Want them bigger :( Started by: Keira

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  • Keira 51

    I really really want mine bigger already, I had 350cc unders HP, I could of gone a lot bigger but I just yes to the first option I was given, wish I had read this forum first before I had them done because I would of definitely gone bigger! I think I will definitely go bigger in the next few years

    Laura 27

    Is it ok to add you Hun? Im getting the same size implants with Mr Kazzazi next week and he only offered me the one size. X

    Keira 51

    Yeah babe x

    Laura 27

    They look great Hun. I’d be really happy if mine turn out like that. 🙂
    Really suit your figure. Nice and natural. Xx

    Sophie 123

    I think yours are amazing! honestly hun they’re exactly what I’m hoping mine will turn out like, I’m very jealous xx

    Claire 3

    I had 300ccs and at the minute am thinking the same thing. I had an uplift at the same time, o am hoping that once they drop they appear bigger. Have you any pics? Xx

    Vanessa 56

    honestly hun yours are so so perfect!
    not too big or small!
    they suit your body so much and thye dont look fake which is amazing!
    remember where you have come from and how much better you must feel with them!
    we are our own worst critics and always want what we dont have!
    celebrate the imporvement and honestly! they are so so perfect please dont feel down, i am hoping and wishing for results like yours! xxx

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