300cc and uplift Started by: Claire

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  • Claire 3

    I had a uplift and BA on the 4th Feb, the maximum I was offered was 300ccs. I was after some advice from girls who have had 300ccs. I feel like mine are not that much bigger than before my op, ha ha, they seem to be shrinking. I know its only been 15 days but will I notice a difference once they settle? Was thinking of getti measured to try and put my mind at ease but don’t know if they will measure me with dressings on. Xx

    Steph 3

    I’m the same Hun. I had a uplift with 375s on 6feb, and when I tried the sizing Kits on they looked massive but now I think they look smallish. But we have to remember this is the size we are naked/in sports bras so once we wear a normal bra they will look a lot bigger 🙂
    I’m happy with my size naked but in clothes I think they look the same as before but I’m comparing them in a sports bra to my old boobs in a padded push up bra xx

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