Hi girls! Can’t believe it has been a week tomorrow. Goes incredibly fast and I went out the house today for the first time since last Friday. I must admit though, after a while I really needed to go home amd I slept for ages after, felt so tired. My incisions have been playing up all night especially on my left side, which seems to cause me more trouble than the right.
Just wondering how long you girls took before you went back to work and before you felt ok for a full shift? I’m meant to be back full time Monday and I must admit I’m a little nervous, it’s a busy job and requires full concentration, after today I’m worried I can’t do that by Monday.
At least tomorrow is my post op appointment with the nurse and I get to see the incisions, I hope they are healing ok <3 really worried about weqring a sports bra over them to come home, is it sore?? The covering I’ve got over them now is quite padded so Im conscious of the bra rubbing directly over the incision xxx