Work Started by: jenali

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  • jenali

    Hi has anyone gone back to work straight away after having their BA?
    I am having my op on the 17th November and although they advise not to go back to work straight away, I dont have any choice as cant afford time off. I am thinking if I can sit in a chair I will be able to sit at reception. What does everyone else think. I only work thurs and Frid and the op is on the Tues x


    I think you’ll prob need that week off work hun, i’m also recepionist but from what i’ve heard the quickest and best way to recover is just to literally rest, at least for a few days…dont forget you wont be able to drive either, probably for about a week x


    My friend had hers on the tuesday and worked that friday but I know she was drained and had to take it easy after that x


    be careful my friend had hers done n went back to work 3 days after n she actually ruptured hers, had a job with alot of lifting though.. so take it easy..x


    Hiya Jenali

    I think your pushing it after just 1 full day’s rest? i had my BA on a Friday returned to a sit down job (with little arm movement)on the Tuesday just for 6 hours then back to full 8 hours on the Wednesday i wasn’t to bad as long as i had little movement with my arms (not having to lift folders etc) and not much walking.

    Good Luck


    Hi there, i took 2 weeks off as i had an uplift and implant! but i have to say after 5-7 days i would have felt fine to sit at my desk at work!.
    the 2d day after the op is the worst, you feel like somebody is sat on your chest crushing it, but days after that it gets easier, It hurts more in the night and in a morning, you feel so stiff, and by the afternoon very tired and sleepy. So if you are going back to work after this period then just sit at your desk and dont do much! get other people to open filing cabinets for you etc, and lift things for you, as you wont be able to that your self.
    But going back to work after 2-3 days would be very hard! you wil siffer loads, as you can hardly move, its not that bad the pain but your body feels tired and a big battered, and you have very bad bruising! why dont you just ring in sick! and tell work you feel ok to come in and the op went fine, but you have caught a sickness bug?? cos that happned with me, just as i was feeling ok, i got a sickness bug!!????? you could try that?? soz if this doesnt help XXXXX

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