Op all done Started by: Alana Wise

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  • Alana Wise 48

    Hello lovelies! So I’m currently sat up in bed with a fan as I just went to the loo and started feeling really strange and dripped with sweat. My room is boiling. I’ve had tea and toast already.

    My admission time was 10am. I was waiting around for about 45 minutes until they came and got me to go to my room, I did a preganancy test, changed into my gown and had all the relevant tests done. Dr Singh then came to see me at about 20 past 11 to draw on me and take photos. He then said that I would be next and one girl has just gone down. The anethnatist came in and asked questions, then about 10 past 12 they came and got me to go down for surgery.

    It was the weirdest experience actually going into theatre and being really aware of everything. I think that’s what made me really nervous as I’ve never had that before with an op. Next thing I knew I was waking up and I thought I was in my boyfriends house and got really confused when I knew I wasnt. They then wheeled me down to my room where my boyfriend was waiting for me worried out of his mind bless him.

    Pain hasn’t been bad at all, just a dull ache across my chest. They look so pointy at the moment and but I think once they’ve dropped and swelling has gone down they’ll be a really good size. Can’t believe ive actually had it done now! It’s crazy. I’m so pleased how quick I went down to surgery from my admission time as I really hated the thought of waiting for ages. Everyone has been really lovely and helpful and so far have had an amazing experience. My boyfriend is now going to get me another cup of tea-he really didn’t want to leave me on my own and he’s been an absolute star but making sure I eat and drink my water haha.

    I’ll keep you guys updated but so far so good! Xx

    Vanessa 56

    thanks for sharing hun!
    glad every thing has gone ok!
    haha bless you thinking you were at your boyfriends!
    what do you mean ‘being really aware of everything’ going to theatre? nerves and anxiety?
    Happy healing and congratulations πŸ™‚ xxx


    Congrats hun!!!! X

    Jennifer 90

    Great story hunni & thanks for sharing! :)….. makes me feel reassured for mine haha, happy healing!! Xx

    Alana Wise 48

    Thank you so much girls! Means a lot. When I went in Vanessa you walk in and lie down on the bed. It’s just something I’ve never experienced before. And being really aware of it all made me nervous but everyone was very lovely and comforting. Then they knock you out and before you know it your awake. It’s honestly fine babe, it’s just ive always been led on the operating bed and knocked out before. Xx


    Congrats & happy healing! πŸ™‚ xx

    Lucy Anna 146

    Well done lovely I told you not to worry πŸ™‚ just concentrate on healing as best you can and enjoy the relaxing! Xx

    Elizabeth 14

    congrats lovely! judging by the timings i think i was the girl to go down before you! I’m just a bit achy too, the pain hasn’t been too bad unless I move too much.
    My room was boiling too! I was sweating all day and was so so thirsty, I had to go stand by the window to cool down hahaha.
    Happy healing πŸ™‚ xx

    Alex 119

    Congratulations Alana! Happy healing xo

    Alana Wise 48

    Thank you girls. Sending lots to all of you xx

    Vanessa 56

    How are you feeling honey?
    ahh right it must have been wierd!
    i cant wait for my expereicne!
    hope you slept well!xxx

    Alana Wise 48

    I’m feeling really good considering. Also slept really well only woke up once and that was because my arms and back ached from being in the same position too long. Only taken two painkillers so far. One last night before bed and one just a second ago. It’s just a full ache at the moment but I’ve managed to have a wash with the help of my boyfriend. Youll be fine lovely, just stack up your pillows and take your pain killers! X

    Alana Wise 48

    Having tea and watching The Hobbit ☺️ He plaited my hair and washed me

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    Fionajsd 131

    Happy healing xx

    Sian 21


    Sian 21

    Oops that wasn’t my whole post haha sorry! What time did you end up leaving the hosp last night? Xx

    Alana Wise 48

    Haha, I left at like half 6.. Not late at all. What about you? Xx

    Sharks 149

    So glad it all went well for you hun. Were you at the Fitzroy clinic? My room was also boiling, and I was getting hot flushes, so they had to bring in a fan. Happy healing hun. xxx

    Alana Wise 48

    Thank you. Yeah I was. Did they say that the rooms were hot because it helps get all the anaesthetic out of you? That’s what the nurse said to me and I was like yeah fab, makes you feel worse haha. And to you lovely xx

    Sian 21

    I didn’t get out Til about 11!! Long daycxx

    Sharks 149

    They didn’t say that but I asked the nurse to turn down the heating and she wasn’t able to, for some reason. The heat made me feel so sick, am surprised I didn’t throw up. xxx

    Alana Wise 48

    Really? Wow why so long? How did you get back? Yeah my boyfriend asked if they could turn the heating down too and they couldn’t. And my window couldn’t be opened any more than an inch! It’s worse when you first get up for a wee! Xx

    Sian 21

    Well I got out of my op around half 3 and didn’t feel right till about 8pm but wanted to watch eastenders haha then my cab took an hour to come didn’t show up so booked one from the hospital. Was so stressed! X

    Tyler 42

    Sian have they got cab numbers in the hospital? That’s what I’m worries about see, I’ll need a cab from Fitzroy to London Victoria bus station :/ xxx

    Sian 21

    @tyler yep they do! I got my cab from them yesterday they were there within 5-10 mins and good price Aswell xx

    Vanessa 56

    haha awww thats so sweet! that pic is so cute!
    your doing really well to have slept and taken things easy with your pain meds!
    long may it last!

    Nicole 12

    congrats chick, hope all is well xx

    Tyler 42

    Awww that’s fab! Thanks sian πŸ™‚ xx

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