Operation done! Started by: Lexi

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  • Lexi 9

    Hi girls! I want to share my Op experience with you, and a great experience it was too!

    My admission time was Friday 7.30am, I arrived just after 7 and taken to my room at 7.15. I shared a room with one other person who arrived later, but it was still very private with a curtain to seperate us. We had our own TVs and all we shared was our en suite bathroom.
    I had all my nurses checks straight away and was given my gown to change into. Immediately after my nurse had finished, Mr. Singh arrived (around 7.45). He went through my notes, took pictures and drew on me. He made sure I was happy and I signed my forms. He explained that I was second on the list and that the anaesthetist would be along to see me next, he arrived shortly after and was great! He explained he would be giving me anti sickness meds and pain killers too! A theatre nurse come at 9.50 to take me to my op – it seemed so fast. I went upstairs and sat in a small room whilst the theatre staff finished cleaning the operating theatre, one of the theatre staff called Ruth kept coming in to check on me even though I was only there for five minutes. I assumed I’d be put under here but my anaesthetist walked me through to the theatre and I sat myself on the bed, there were big bright lights and it was strange but I felt at ease as the staff were brilliant, we were talking about my job and then the anaesthetist told me I would start feeling tired within 10 seconds, I was out like a light and came around at 11.15. I was with Stuart who took me back down to my room, I think I was talking rubbish for a while but he was great and really looked after me. My mam was waiting for me and I came into the room with a smile on my face feeling good considering. I was really thirsty so had loads of water and took myself to the toilet with help from my mum and nurse to get me out of bed. I did get light headed, the best thing I can recommend is if this happens to you to stop where you are, take slow deep breaths, and you go back to normal and can walk. I had this everytime I got up but today it has gone. I was fine with the water and had no sickness so I could then let the nurses know when I wanted tea and toast. I could have had it sooner and probably would have been let out earlier but I was tired so managed a sleep and then had it 2 hours after. By now it was around 1.30pm. After that I had another little sleep and Mr Singh come to tell me my op went well and I was allowed to leave by 4pm, my nurse Veronica was brilliant throughout checking my blood pressure, keeping on top of my meds, helped with my sports bra and constantly checked how I was feeling. She phoned a taxi for me and my mum and we went straight to the hotel to chill out and order a takeaway!

    I was up through the night with a bit of pain but kept on top of my meds and im feeling ok today, it’s nice to be home 🙂

    I’ve had a great experience and I know that was down to the staff at MYA! My biggest piece of advice to you girls would be to make sure you have someone with you all day, not just to pick you up after. You do have a nurse but it was so good to have my mam with me as I was constantly thirsty and couldn’t drink or do anything without her!

    Sorry for the long essay, hope all you other girls are recovering well! xxxx

    Jennifer 90

    This is a lovely story! Thanks for sharing hun! Glad it went smoothly…. cant wait till i’m in your shoes! ….. get plenty of rest! 🙂 & happy healing! Xx

    Elizabeth 14

    Glad it went so well for you! I was fine after my op, able to do everything myself but I’m struggling today. I need more help and I’m a lot more stiff! xx

    Lexi 9

    Thanks Jennifer, I hope your waut isn’t too long now

    Sarah 4

    Hi Hun glad it went so well for u, they sound lovely there and Dr Singh, reading this is making me feel at ease for Wednesday knowing I’ll be in good hands! Do u mine if I add u girls quite new to the forum need some more friends! 🙂 happy healing! X x

    Lexi 9

    Sorry about the above I sent that message and only half showed up! When is your op Jennifer? I’m sure it will go well, enjoy! Elizabeth, im hiking you’re ok and feeling a bit better than earlier on, I’ve been feeling ok but tonight im itchy and in pain. I think I’ve done too much today and should have states in bed! Sarah, you’re definitely in good hands I honestly couldn’t have asked for a better experience? You’re going to love your new boobies! Good luck and please add me xxx

    Elizabeth 14

    @Sarah you’ll be fine! everyone at the hospital is so lovely and makes your time there as easy as possible

    I think travelling for 5 hours has just been too much for me. I had a sleep earlier (elevated not sat up, I’m struggling with that) and I feel loads better but I’m still a bit stiff 🙂 xx

    Charlie 35

    happy healing! this makes me excited for op day can’t wait for it to come now! Xxx

    Lexi 9

    Aww I bet you’re shattered Elizabeth! I was so tired yesterday as we left 3am, feeling a bit better today just on the count down for my meds all the time!!! I’m slightly up but not all the way hun I think the upright sleeping is to get rid of your swelling so as long as your not totally flat you should be ok!

    Jennifer 90

    It’s not even booked lol! Got my 1st consultation on mon, want it to be booked sooner rather than later coz i’m impatient & scared would rather get it out the way than worry for months! Hoping for end of march 🙂 xxx

    Sarah 4

    Thanks girls it’s getting nearer now agghh but reading ur comments makes me feel at ease. @lexi Thanku I hope I like them and I’ve added u x and thanks @elizabeth just want it out the way and done now! Can’t wait to be on the other side lol the boobie side 😀 X x

    Izzi 3

    your experiences are making me feel less nervous! thank-you!
    less than 2 weeks for me now 🙂

    Lexi 9

    Thanks girls 🙂 @annielou I got swollen on one side too and thought I was going to burst out of the strapping but mine have gone down now and I only had my strapping off yesterday. I’m such a worrier too been on the phone to my nurse every day but she’s said all is normal. I was taking so many pain killers as I was in agony but they were making me really constipated and like a a zombie! I cut them down to 200ml nurofen every four hours which I am still taking and I have come on leaps and bounds! I will be putting some pictures up shortly (Once I work out how to do it!) xxx

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