I go for my free consult tomorrow. I’m curious about cost of beat enlargement. Can anyone give me a rough idea please. I know this is a silly question as everyone is different. I’m clueless about any of it. So this is my first step after soooo many years of wanting fuller breasts. I am a 34DD now but after having 3 beautiful children and weight loss, they are so saggy. It gets me down 🙁
We can’t discuss price on here hun they are increasing the price 1st of March so not sure what new price is going to be.
Oh sorry my mistake. So maybe could someone who’s needed similar to me, explain things please. Like is it better to have implant over or under muscle. And how long is recovery? What can’t you do in the recovering weeks eg driving? X
I have 3 kids and had 600 unders in January. I had 10 days off work I’m office based, couldn’t drive for 2 weeks as well.
Recovery for me was painful , I’m 4 weeks post op now and haven’t had pain killers in over a week, my youngest is 2 and I’ve just started carrying her again.
I love my boobs , my left has dropped more than my right but I’m hoping it catches up soon. I’ve attached a recent pic x
I have 3 children hun age 11,6 and 5 I breast fed them all. I had empty size 32a/b. I had 375cc high profile partials and am 9 weeks post op measuring a 32e.
Recovery was better than expected was doing more than I should have done after 2 days.
Which clinic/ surgeon are you looking to go with?
Thank you FIONAJSD. They look good. What size were you and now please? Might be silly but I really can’t wait to wear tops with thin sexy straps and summer dresses without thick bra straps. I’m sure any pain is worth it. Do you mind if I add you please? X
Thank you Amy. I’m going to Nottingham clinic tomorrow for my first consult.
U are already a gd size hun so whatever implant size u go for they will be lush and big unless u need a uplift then ur stuck to smaller sizes.. ive had kids my boobs were left empty.. i had 600cc overs.. was a 32B now a 32G x
I know Mr kazzazi consults from there he’s fab he loves the natural look. I had my op at doncaster with him and had twilight sedation which was fab.
Good luck for tomorrow x
Amy what’s twilight sedation? And thank you Missy x
I’ve just read up about twilight sedation. Gosh I’m not sure I’m brave enough for that. What made you decide to go for that Amy? X
Instead of general you have sedation I was totally asleep not aware of a thing.y admission time was 9 I was walking to theatre at 10:10 and back from theatre at 12 by 1i was getting dressed and heading home. No after effects from anaesthetic apart from being tired.
Your pc will go through all your options and match you with your ideal surgeon.
Good luck x
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