Hi ladies
It’s official my op is on Monday 2nd March not long to go now yey. I can finally get excited. Due to medical reasons I wasn’t sure whether I would be able to get my girlies done. MYA had to consult with my doctor and I was given the all clear yesterday. Talk about close call. I’ve been so anxious the last month as I was originally supposed to have my op 9th Feb and it got postponed. I was absolutely devasted and only to find out it could happen a second time I became a big grump. Now however I can’t help but smile to myself my girlies will be done in time for my holiday end of April YES!!! Lol
As everything is so late notice, I’ve not prepared anything and I wanted to know for those of you who are post op, what do you wish you had known before you had your surgery?
Hopefully your answers will help me to be better prepared. Thank you in advance xx
I was so worked up as I had never had a op. I had twilight sedation instead of a general.
I think fear of the unknown is the worst thing ever. Basically it’s not as painful scary as you think. I was in such a state up to my op date but in the morning of my op I was so calm it was unreal x
Yeah I totally agree with Amy. Wish I’d had a better idea of what local anaesthetic with sedation would be like. I didn’t know whether I’d be awake or aware of what was going on. I was proper bricking it haha. Good luck for your op xo
Hi hun I can imagine a whole mix of emotions and anxiety kicks in. I think I’m calm now but I will be so nervous on Monday as I never thought it would happen? Did you choose to stay awake hun? x
Thank Alex and Any I will definitely look into it to see all options although I feel I would prefer to be asleep but it’s true is a case of the unknown which makes it seem worse than it is. I hope I dont get the sweats. I’m going back to the clinic today to see the nurse and the doctor so I’ll ask about it xx
I had the twilight sedation too and I don’t remember a thing. Xx
For Me it has to be the after pain & recovery time of having unders or partials! Especially the muscle contractions.
All the best with your op 🙁 xx
Thank you Kelly and candy. I think the pain is one of the things I’m most worried about especially as I have a 11 month old and he’s very active. I know you’re not allowed to do any heavy lifting so it’s going to be very difficult x
I was totally asleep with the sedation can’t remember a thing. I found the pain not as bad as I thought and was off pain killers by day 3. I am a very active person I have 2 jobs 3 kids and Care for my grandmother who has dementia so found it extremely hard to just relax and not do a thing.
That sedation is fantastic and that unders bloody hurt! X
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