300cc overs Started by: Devoney

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  • Devoney 2

    Hiya! Im 2 days PO, originally 32B and i had 300cc moderate plus overs. But at the moment my boobs dont really seem much bigger to me? theyre a lot closer than i was expecting so im really happy with that! But im seeing a lot of girls with similar stats to me going from a B to a DD/E, i cant see it happening with me:( Will my boobs fill out when they soften and drop? I think im getting boob greedy!

    Claire 3

    Hi hun I had 300cc overs on the 4th Feb, I was feeling exactly the same way you were feeling. I kept looking at them and thinking there’s not much difference. Yesterday I went to Mya for my dressings redone and I asked for my before and after pics. On looking at them there is a big difference, also I am on day 23 and they seem to be softening and changing shape. I am really impatient and I think we need to wait for everything to settle which could take upto 6 months. I can’t wait to get measured to see what size I will end up. Xx

    Devoney 2

    we need to be patient dont we! i hope you like yours 😀 im thinking about putting some pictures up soon xx

    Claire 3

    I am starting to see changes and I am liking them more now. I deffo would have gone bigger but 300 was the maximum I was offered. This should hopefully make us two sizes bigger, can’t wait to get out of sports bras. Think we will see a big difference when we can wear bras. Xx

    Lina 3

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    Thanks for the messages – Im have been offered 300cc overs too and although I dont want them too bug, I do want a difference! Hope you dont mind the adds x

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