Anyone had a BA and also have an underlying medical condition? Started by: Katie

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  • Katie

    I’m wanting a BA but also have an underlying, rare medical condition (MEN1) It’s a genetic disorder that effects the Endocrine system. It causes benign (sometimes malignant) tumours to grow on the Pituitary gland, Parathyroid glands and Pancreas. I’m otherwise healthy and I’m experiencing no problems with my medical condition at the moment. I am on long term medication (calcium and vitamin D).

    I know the surgery itself will cause no issues surrounding my medical condition but I think it’s the Aneathestists that tend to be uneasy, especially with a diesease they have never heard of. I have had 4 general anaesthetics so far with no problems what so ever.

    Has anyone got an underlying medical condition and had trouble getting a BA?


    I have an underactive thyroid, haven’t had my op yet but they just ask you to go for blood tests at your pre op, possibly ask for a letter from your doctor too but I don’t think that’s very often x


    Thanks for responding Rebecca. I’m so worried I will be refused a BA as it is quite a complex condition that I have 🙁 I’m a new patient at my current GP practice, so they don’t know me or my condition very well. I will let them know of my Consultant I see at the hospital, that would be more helpful I feel. God knows how long that will take though. *sigh*

    I’ve got my first appointment with my patient co-ordinator tomorrow, so hopefully they will be able to enlighten me


    Can you get in touch with your original gp who knows about it? Maybe they could write you a letter explaining what it is and how it wouldn’t be effected by your op?

    Yeah they should be able to help 🙂 just make sure you mention it, I’ve seen a few girls on here saying their ops got cancelled a day before because they decided they needed tested for their medical conditions etc x


    I could do, but I’ve had that many GP’s in the last few years (I’ve moved a fair few times) they would all have little knowledge of my condition. I will give them my Consultants details and see how it goes.

    I had a bad experience a few years ago. I went for a procedure doing privately, I made them aware at my booking appoiment of my condition etc, no further questions were asked. On the day of the procedure I was taken through to to a room to be prepped for surgery. I saw the surgeon briefly (no issues) and then all of sudden whilst I was dressing into my gown, the Aneathestist abruptly comes in stating that he refuses to go ahead with the procedure because he has no knowledge of my condition. Incredibly unprofessional and left me very distressed at the time.

    I know, I have had read a few posts, hence why I posted this evening. I will be making it very clear to both my Patient Co-ordinator and chosen Surgeon (if I do choose to go with MYA) that if they can’t 100% guarantee they won’t cancel at the last minute because of problems relating to my condition then I will not be booking at all and will look elsewhere. I will not be messed around with. If they have any concerns and want to do some more investigating then they need to say straight away. That’s the professional way to do it. X

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