girls who’ve had a ba! Started by: xbexx

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  • xbexx

    hi girls! 🙂

    i was just wondering, the girlies who’ve already had their op, how long do you reckon it would be til you feel ok to have a night out? im hoping maybe 5/6 weeks? like a clubbing night out. but not being stupid and not getting really drunk!! haha.

    any advice would be much appreciated! :bigsmile: xxx


    I went out clubbing after 2 and a half weeks! There was some crazy dancing involved too……including a dance off to run dmc’s, its like that haha. And it was my friends birthday so she chose the 80’s as her theme, I managed to get dressed up, go for dinner and have a wild night out and felt fine at the end of it. Go enjoy yourself, your body will tell you when you’ve done too much xx


    awww, thats wicked news :bigsmile: thank you so much joworrow!

    haha! it sounds like a good night!! 😉 xxx


    Hi Ladies, thanks for all your forum comments! I just wanted to mention that although you will feel fine after 2 and half weeks, a post op BA patient should be taking it easy and refraining from any strenuous exercise (including crazy dancing!) for approx 6 weeks until completely healed. Please do take it easy and follow your post op advice given at your consultations and pre op check.


    ok, thanks :bigsmile: xxx


    Hi there!! well i am now on my 14 th day from my uplift and implant and i feel fine! in fact after 10 days i would have felt well enough to go out!! but, i am taking it easy, and not going out for at least 6 weeks, as im scared somebody could knock me in the boob, as my nipple feel a lil sore as i had uplift aswell.

    But as the above says, yeh id wait! then when 6 weeks is up or longer you will be sooo excited to go out and show them off.
    i think sometimes aswell , you think you feel well enough but really you arent.
    So end of october time december, get that strappy top on and show what you have got ha ha!! and dance the night away XX


    Oh and may i add, your implants take time to settle in your body, so be extra careful!! you may feel fine, but they need time to settle!! you pay all that money so you dont want anyobdy hurting you whilst you are out! thats whats stopping me! take time and chill then party later XXX


    Hey bex! I’m now 3 weeks post op, and went out last sat, which is about 2 and a half weeks! Just have to be careful about other people bumping into you! I was fine, infact the only thing I noticed was that people were staring at my boobs!!! haha, I was wearing a strappy black v-neck dress!! Dancing was fine, and drinking was fine too!! hahaha!




    yeah, thanks janeyh 🙂 i think im definately gonna give it the full 6 weeks before i go out. wanna be on the safe side! :bigsmile:

    hi wendy!! glad youre doing well :bigsmile: i sent you an email yesterday. how did managing getting better and starting uni go?? xxx

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