2 days post op… Im in love!!! Started by: Georgina

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  • Georgina 18

    Had my op Wednesday with Dr Fiumara as an overnight case. Arrived at 11 and went down at 5.30 due too delay. Nothing I was worried about was even a problem the cannula hurt no more than the blood test and the anaesthetic, which I was petrified of, was absolutely nothing to worry about didn’t feel or remember a thing! I come back to my room around 10.30 and I reacted really bad to the morphine and the anaesthetic that I was sick until about 3 am but the nurses was fantastic I was so well monitored and I had about 3 different types of anti sickness.. They let my mum and dad stay until 1.30am aswell which really surprised me.. Other than that I think I’ve been one of the lucky ones I’ve had no pain just a very very heavy chest and I’ve been so drowsy I’ve literally slept for the past 2 days. I had 425cc overs and I am literally in love. Was so apprehensive before surgery thinking I’d made the wrong decision but it’s definately the best thing I’ve done and I’m only 2 days post op! Would recommend the procedure and MYA to anyone had the best care and surgery I could of asked for. Thanks to my boogie buddy @rcoffey who made my journey so much easier, was lovely to meet someone on here that I went through it all with. Girls if your debating get it done! Couldn’t be happier with my new boobs 🙂 xxxx

    Rosie coffey 21

    Yes we were very brave and I was so happy to have the Boob buddy with me too!!! Talking about food non stop ahahah!! Been an amazing experience it’s gone so fast!! Xxxxx

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