periods Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    I know its abit of a strange thing to talk about on here but do any ladies have really sensetive and sore breast around your menstrual time as i get really sore boobs and im worried im due 1 week after im due to have my op and do u still get it after having ba? X ty in advance

    kelly p 33

    I get ridiculously sore nipples sorry when I’m due on?
    They hurt so much even to put a bra on so i know how you feel
    Luckily I’m due on one week before my BA
    I kinda hoping my nipple sensitivity will go down a bit after my BA x


    Yh i get really sore boobs like a week before i come on so im really worried loool so bad timing they only hurt wen i take my bra off so im hoping cuz i will have strapping and stuff on it wont hurt as much lool fingers crossed x when u having ya op x


    @kellyp030184 sorry forgot to tag u lool

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