My BA story 27th March 2015 :) x Started by: Tyler

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  • Tyler 42

    Hi girls, sorry ive been abit delayed writing this, it’s been such a draining weekend for myself and my partner after travelling from cardiff to London, anyway, I stayed at a local hotel the night before my surgery, what an absolute dive, wouldn’t recommend saying at the Fitzroy hotel although it was very close to the clinic! I arrived at the Fitzroy clinic at 9:20am and my admission time was at 9:30am, the nurse came down to get me and took me to my room, she asked for me to take the pregnancy test and to change into my gown and soon the surgeon will come to see me, soon as she left the room Dr Singh came in, he was so lovely! He filled in some paperwork infront of me and told me that I was having 375cc UHP under the muscle, then he took some before photos and drew on me 🙂 he then said he’ll be ready for me within an hour! I was so shocked how quick it was all happening! Soon as he left the room I finally got changed into the gown, socks and slippers. The anaesthetist came into my room, asked some more questions about allergies ect then said they’ll be ready to get me within half an hour, at this point all my nerves went and I was so excited to finally have boobies! The nurse came to get me and took me up to the anaesthetist room, they told me to lay down on the bed and just relax, I remember looking around and just seeing everyone all gowned up with masks over their mouths, the anaesthetist said that I would feel a sharp little pain where he was putting the cannula in but honestly didn’t feel a thing! They put the oxygen mask over my mouth and all i can remember saying was “I’m going, im going, im going” then I was gone! My boyfriend said I was gone for about 2 hours in total but honestly felt like I closed my eyes and magically woke up with boobies! I had my tea and toast, went to the toilet with a little support off the nurse, I felt great and was ready to go! It was such a great experience! Dr Singh came into the room around half 6/7pm and said everything went well and that I’m ready to leave! I felt so happy! I finally got the bobbies that I was never blessed with in the first place! Lol! My boyfriend helped me get dressed then packed my bag and headed to the holiday inn hotel, we was both so exhausted that we had a meal in the hotel and we was actually falling asleep eating it! The staff kept coming up to us and asking if we was ok haha! Got back to our room and I burst out crying, my boyfriend was doing absolutely everything for me and I felt useless, he comforted me and told he likes helping me and that he loves me, he even got up in the nights for me to take my meds and to help me go to the toilet! He’s been my absolute rock! Anyway pre op girls, you have nothing to worry about, the nurses and doctors were great at the Fitzroy clinic! I cannot thank them and Dr Singh enough! Amazing service! So pleased I went with Mya! I’ must admit though, I’ll be so glad to get this strapping off on Wednesday! Haha! Here’s a sneak peak of my boobies right now! Hoping to achieve a D/DD! Xx

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    Congratulations hunnie 🙂 so pleased you are ok and that all in all you have had a good experience xxx

    Tyler 42

    Thanks babe, such an emotion journey, couldn’t thank them enough! 😀 xxx

    Jennifer 90

    Aww such a lovely story hunny, congrats! 🙂 My boyf best look after me this good after wed otherwise i’ll be having words lol! Xx

    Tyler 42

    Thanks Hun 😀 Awww im sure he will, I didn’t think my boyfriend would be the way he was with me, he’s been a gem! Xx

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