Surgery on Friday and don't know what to take?! Started by: Imogen Cooper.

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    Hello lovely ladies, my surgery is on Friday and I have no idea what to take?! Can anyone advise me on what to take with? Anything that helps with car journey etc?
    Thankyou girlies, mwah! XX

    Vanessa 56

    hey hun!

    Im taking sports bra / macom..
    open front pj’s, slip on shoes, zip front hoody (and clothes for bottom half- just leggings nice and easy)
    ive got a v pillow and a usual pillow to put over my chest under my seatbelt.

    I’m taking dvds and my laptop for entertainment.
    im taking paracetamol and ibuprofen.

    I’m taking arnica tablets and multivitamins to start taking post op.

    I’m taking water, lucozade, and some protien bars and some chocloate! – plus straws to put in my drinks.

    hope this helps xx

    Hayley 64

    @ness318 Has definitely got it all sorted there. That’s pretty much what I took with me. I’d take ice packs if you can. I found these have helped lots! @imogencooper good luck to both of you ladies! I had my op on Saturday so if you have any questions, I’ll be happy to answer them 🙂 xxx


    You are a life saver! I had thought about some of those things but others I hadn’t even thought of taking!!
    Thanks Hun!
    When’s your surgery??…. Xx


    Ahhhh that’s good to know! Ice packs…check!

    Vanessa 56

    my surgery is a week tomorrow! eeeeek!
    I cannot wait!
    good luck hun! and happy to help!
    yes i have ice packs (for the boobies) and a hot water bottle (for the back) ready for home.. @hayleycx do you think i’ll want these already fro the car home?

    Trace 158

    Here’s my list, my op is on Wednesday!!

    Pre op:
    Making sure I wax all areas(!)
    Arnica tablets
    Bio oil (religiously twice a day)
    Hibiscrub for showing couple of days before

    Taking on day of op:
    Shower using hibiscrub
    Putting my hair in a plait!
    Dressing gown
    Energy drink and snacks
    Zip up hoodie
    Pillow for drive home between seatbelt and boobs!

    After op:
    Lots of front fastening tops
    Bio Oil
    Arnica tabs
    Senna tablets for the bloat/constipation
    V Pillow and Body pillow
    Dry hairspray
    Anti bac baby wipes (due to not being able to shower for 7 days)
    Aqueous cream/vaseline/baby oil to remove the pen marks sticky strapping residue
    Lots of protein rich food to aid healing
    Reuseable ice packs

    Hayley 64

    @ness318 I haven’t been without mine at the minute. I’m still applying ice today because they’re so swollen. I’d advise having some if you can. xxx


    I have added you both!
    Thanks for your help!
    Ahhhh good luck babe, I know exactly how you’re feeling


    Think this is cutting off half of my replies but thankyou to all of your girlies for your help xxxx

    Hayley 64

    You’re welcome! I’ve accepted. Good luck and keep us updated. What size are you both having? xx


    I’m having 425cc, with teardrop implant going under the muscle!! I don’t know whether I’m excited or scared haha!! Xx

    Vanessa 56

    im having 350cc @hayleycx so a bit smaller than you!
    where did you get your ice packs from?
    i’m about to go shopping so i’ll see if i can get some!xx

    Trace 158

    Ebay! Koolpak reusable ice pack, about £3, they only did the one use ones in boots for £5 when I looked xx

    Vanessa 56

    no @haleycx i’m with mr mounir! thanks @tracyface
    i’ll have a look now! you are very very organised!!xxx

    clairelk 29

    Hi girls!! Where do you get your sports bras from? Am gettin 600/700. Hes not sure yet so dunno wot size to get? N where yous get pillows. Thankyoussss x


    Straws have saved my life! I struggle to pick up a glass and drink from it so my boyfriend holds the glass with a straw and i just lean over! Xx

    Hayley 64

    @clairelk I’d suggest buying Macoms. They’re a God send! You only need to know your current back size and order that. The cups are adjustable so they’ll go with whatever size you have. xx

    clairelk 29

    Thanx hayley al get a cuple ov them. And some straws x


    Thankyou dolls !! X

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