Hey girls!
I’m absolutely useless at having my bloods done.
It always takes several injections, nurses, doctors and hospital trips.
I arent afraid of needles at all! I just don’t seem to part with my blood.
MYA tried last week to take bloods but couldn’t, so i went to my GP’s this morning.. the nurse tried 3 times and couldnt so she sent me to the hospital to see a phlebotomist who had to attempt 6 times!! before he managed to get anything and I went faint when he finally managed it!
I’ve had a general anasthetic before, but they couldnt find a vein in my hand to put it in and 13 attempts later they had to put me to sleep using the gas anastheitc and put the canula in while I was already asleep.. this then made me really sick when I was recovery.
Anyway… following todays 9 needles for 2 bottles of blood… I am really really worried and kind of freaking out over my op next week. I’m convinced they wont be able to get the canula in and I am a nervous wreck now!
is anybody else out there useless like me with rubbish veins who can mayeb give me a glimmer of hope- share your GA experiences?
thanks xxx