Just been informed mya haven’t had my medical report back from the gp yet and my surgery is this Saturday!!! so annoying going to have to chase it up with the doctors and pray I don’t have to reschedule my opp 🙁 has this happened to anyone else? xxx
Hi ruby, I had to get the ok from my cardiologist before I could have my surgery and they were rubbish! I actually had my surgery cancelled twice because they just wouldn’t reply! But gp should be better – do you have any medical problems that would be a problem? If not just get on the phone and don’t get off til they’ve sent it! Just be super super pushy. At first I was too polite and kept apologising to the dr for being a nuisance but in the end I had to be really firm and be like just do it now!! I even threatened to complain haha. I’m sure it will all be fine for you though. Mya were really understanding with me and kept the surgery date open as long as they possibly could! Sure you’ll be absolutely fine. Just keep chasing! Xx
Some girls do have to chase it up, they can fax it over i think hunny, so its sent over quickly, just give you gp office a call and remind them that you surgery is so soon, they seem in no rush do they xxx
Does everyone need a medical report? I haven’t spoken to my gp about my surgery which is on 1st May…am I missing something? X
Just spoken to my GP and she hadn’t sent it back as she was worried I was too young! but is faxing it over now so everything is fine thank god! I think it’s best just to check that mya have spoken to your GP as I would have been gutted if I had to change my opp date xxx
I don’t think everyone needs one Gina I do because I have asthma so I think it’s just for people who have a medical condition that could affect them when their under general anaesthetic x
I don’t have any medical conditions and don’t smoke or anything like that so not sure xx
I was told everyone has to have one, my operation is 48 days away and I’m having problems with my GP saying they haven’t received anything and hanging up on mya when they ring!x
It’s a nightmare hun just keep chasing them and be pushy, I spoke to my GP direct and wasn’t guna get off the phone until she told me she was faxing it over! better to get it early I think rather than last minute xx
In my doctors you don’t get a designated doctor so I just put the person down that owns it on my form, but I doubt they’ll let me talk to him direct they’ll say he was too busy or something.. I’m going to keep ringing though to make sure they send it over! There a pain 🙁 xx
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