Cant fasten my trousers!!! Started by: Georgia

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  • Georgia 32

    well finally decided to get dressed today.. And my jeans dont fasten!! Please someone reassure me ive not put on weight and its just due to the op?:( x

    Danielle 131

    You will just be a little bit bloated hun, don’t worry about it it will go away x

    Katrina 41

    @georgiak. belly has bloated quite a bit and i have been up and about every day to keep my legs active….could actually pass as a few month pregnant atm but I believe it’s to do with the op and med and should go soon so don’t worry….lol. on another note, I have noticed definite softening today and have quite a bit of feeling back which is good. No pain except for the ocassional incision sting….just need this awful strapping off now…..its starting to itch and irritate. How are you getting on? X

    Georgia 32

    @katrina84 im really glad im not the only one! Hope it goes soon! Ahh thats really good 🙂 ive not really noticed any change in mine since having them done, i dont even think theyve swollen either which is strange.. Yeah my inicisions started stinging abit last night i thought id popped a stitch or something haha, wont be long until your strappings off!:) im going at 7 tonight to get mine off xx

    Katrina 41

    @georgiak. ..I bet you are excited….I can’t wait. Let me know how it goes….

    I keep getting paranoid about knocking my stitches with not being able to see them….I am constantly checking to make sure there is no blood. I am so queasy with cuts etc so I really hope mine are ok and healing well. Good Luck for getting your strapping off….I am so excited for you and can’t wait to hear about it. X

    Trace 158

    I was bloated until day 10-11!! Some girls seem to lose it in a couple of days so I was freaking out!! Don’t worry – it will pass!

    I just woke up one morning and was like wow – where did that gut go haha! zz

    Francesca 14

    @katrina84 i’m 2 weeks post op today and I have lost all my ‘boobie bloat’ now. I put on 9lbs in water weight and went from a svelte size 8 to a podgy mess almost overnight! it took a week to get back to nearly normal, and then another week for the swelling to completely go down. The nurses told me it’s normal after a general and can take up to a month to dissipate! Chin up! just enjoy slobbing about in the knowledge it will literally melt away in the next few days!

    Katrina 41

    @ftaitt2 @tracyface Thanks ladies. I only had a local anaesthetic but think it must also have the bloating effect….at least I am hoping so. I do hope it does all drop off….its crazy the way my belly has blown up lol….x

    Georgia 32

    @katrina84 strappings off..not going to lie, wasnt the best experience i found it quite painful! My advise would be to pull the bits away under your arms yourself first before you go! He was really nice though he let me do some myself, but it was off within 5 minutes, then he just took the little strips off the incisions and wiped them with something and put some more dressing on them, got to take them off in 7 days then i should be Able to get a bath! Xxx

    Katrina 41

    @georgiak Thanks for the tip with the strapping….I peeled all around edges and didn’t feel any discomfort getting the strapping off on Friday. …was so nice to have it removed. I have added some pics to my profile finally so feel free to take a look. X

    Dee 1

    I am 6 days post op and the bloating did not go until yesterday!!!! Nobody told me how bad it would be I had to dig out some size 12 jeans lol but yesterday morning it had just gone and back in my 10,s I had a general I am thinking it’s that but no idea just know it went

    Dee 1

    7 days post op and I weigh less than before the op… I have been doing juicing to clear the bloating might be worth a try if you still having the issue worked for me anyways x

    Katrina 41

    My bloating went about 2 days ago when I was 9 days post op 🙂 x

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