Swelling?? Started by: Jade

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  • Jade 11

    Hey girls
    Overnight my right boob has swollen quite a lot and is now painful? Any tips? I’m currently sat with some frozen peas on it!!

    Trace 158

    How many days post op are you? The nurse told me that if I get swelling and it’s painful (not uncomfortable), then I should call.

    Don’t be afraid to give them a ring, that’s what they’re there for, if only just to put your mind at rest 🙂 xx

    Jade 11

    Day 4 post opp, I’ve not needed to take any pain killers as yet but took some as the pain got bad and been to sleep and now fingers crossed the pain has gone I think the iced peas did the trick!
    Thank you though I will call if it comes back again! Xx

    Trace 158

    Ah the dreaded days 3-4!! Yeah you will most likely feel it all now as the meds will almost be out of your system.

    Ice packs are excellent for this, just keep on those and you’ll be fine 🙂 xx

    Jade 11

    Thank you! I will do xx

    Emma 2

    I am day 2 post op and I have noticed more swelling and I feel really too heavy. Hopefully this is just normal for us xx

    Jade 11

    Yeah mine have been swelling quite a lot but the ice seems to have taken it out a little and they don’t feel as heavy they still don’t feel like mine though haha!! Xx

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