Hiya, had my op yesterday at the fitzroy all the staff were brilliant and Dr Fiumara did an amazing job im really happy!
I got there at 9am didnt go down till about 12.20 had a nightmare with the canula they tryed putting it in 5times but all my veins were hiding 🙁 was really really painful so in the end they had to give me gas to put me to sleep then next thing i woke up and it was all over! Dr Fiumara came in and said it all went really well and that she had put in 400cc (if that didnt fit it was goin to be 375cc) next thing im being sick and shes holding my hair bk ha how embarrasing!! I was sick everytime i got up so didnt leave til 9.30pm wasnt in much pain just a really tight feeling middle of my chest! Slept pretty well keeping on top of my meds cant wait to see them change over the next few days/weeks no regrets im already really happy with them iv attached a pik if it works. Xx
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