2 days of new boobies Started by: Linzi Evans

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    Hi all,
    So I had my op on Friday. My admission time was 2pm, I was greeted and welcomed by the lovely employees at the clinic, me and my BF settled in my room. The woman who showed me my room pointed out my implants in the box waiting for me πŸ™‚ Excited I had a look (thank god I did), they were the wrong size. The implants were 400cc when I wanted 450cc. I spoke to the woman at the clinic and she assured me they will sort it and apologised. An hour later Mya rang me to tell me the correct implants were getting delivered and would be there at 5.00pm – 5.15pm. Apparently the confusion came from me going in to see Mr K again the Tuesday before but the only reason I did that was because I wanted to see if I could have a 500cc in.
    The staff at the clinic were lovely and kept checking on me. As I was guaranteed to have my op that day I met the nurse Vicky, and the anaesthetist, who explained what I was having (local and sedation). Mr Kazzazi came and drew on me so I was ready to go as soon as my implants got there. 6.30pm I got the thumbs up that my implants had finally arrived. I have to say I did panic a lot thinking they might not turn up, especially as I had booked annual leave to be there. I was so thirsty and hungry that nerves had completely gone. If you can ladies, check the implants.
    I went under at 6.40 and woke up at 7.40 still having my implants put in. Unfortunately something took a little longer than anticipated so unfortunately I was awake for the last 20 minutes of my op, it was not pleasant and was painful especially considering I thought I would wake up finished. I felt cutting, him putting the implant in and the stitching up πŸ™
    I don’t want to put anyone off at all, the staff were amazing, they comforted me through the rest of the procedure, by wiping my tears, stroking my hand and face and telling me there wasn’t long left. I was finished off and was sat up just after 8pm, a little emotional but ok. I was wheeled back to my room and Mr Kazzazi came to explain to me what happened, which I understood and I am so thankful I was under Mr Kazzazi’s professionalism for him to correct it.

    Thank goodness I checked my implants though as I cannot help but think that I would have had the 400cc implant put in, instead of the implant I wanted and had agreed on. I didn’t think such a huge error like that could happen in such a big, professional company.
    2 days in, the strapping is tight and itchy but nothing I hadn’t anticipated from reading this forum. I did think I would be on stronger painkillers as I have only been given some antibiotics, Paracetamol and Ibuprofen.
    Sorry if I have scared anyone, I think it is just as important to hear the bad as it is the good.
    I have to say Friday was not the luckiest day for me!! I am a very disappointed with what happened, but I cannot stress enough that this was no fault of Mr Kazzazi or the staff at Doncaster Natural Look clinic.
    I have uploaded some pics below from the day πŸ™‚ Really hoping the end result is worth all of what happened xxx

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    Emma 15

    I hope you don’t mind the add, I’m hoping to have mine done by Mr Kazzazi. Sorry to hear about the end of your op, sounds quite horrific but they look great! Happy healing xx


    No problem about the add I have just accepted you. Yeah Friday wasn’t the luckiest day of mine unfortunately, but I finally got my ladies πŸ™‚
    Mr K was brilliant and explained everything to me, I honestly don’t have a bad word to say about the Surgeon or clinic πŸ™‚
    Thanks, fingers crossed the end result will be worth it πŸ™‚ xx

    Fionajsd 131

    Oh bless u , could u not get a top up of anaesthetic ? X


    I am guessing not as they only gave me ibuprofen πŸ™

    Fionajsd 131

    Jesus u poor thing , no local anaesthetic either? I had sedation and slept like a baby , I’d have been hysterical if I’d woken up xx


    I had local in each breast but I felt A LOT!! I slept like a baby too for the first hour it was the last 20 mins when I woke up that was awful! silver lining now those is that the pain I am feeling in recovery is nothing compared to what I felt in there πŸ™‚

    I have also found a burn under my arm, do any of you know where this might have come from?

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    Fionajsd 131

    I had bruises on my arm turned out it was the blood pressure monitor sleeve x


    Yeah I have a few marks on my right arm which I guessed was when I woke up but the burn on my left arm is a puzzle, no idea where it has come from, it doesn’t hurt but its an obvious hole.


    Leyla 12

    Omg that sounds absolutely awful! at least the worst is over Hun. Happy healing honey. Xxxx

    jennie 4

    I had mine done on Friday aswel.. Did you have a local because of medical reasons hun?/xx


    Thanks Leyla πŸ™‚
    No I wasn’t told there was any other they use, think Mr K only uses local now. Have to say I will NEVER have local again if I can help it. Had general for 3 ops (non-boob related πŸ™‚ ) before and was absolutely fine with it. I did expect Friday would be the sleep and then wake up all done.

    Lucy 16

    Sorry to hear that your op didn’t go as smoothly as planned!! I think the way you’re dealing with it is commendable as it’s so easy to throw the blame at everybody involved when a mistake happens. But at least you’ve got your new boobs now ☺️ Hope you have a speedy recovery xxx

    Kipcy 1

    Whaaaat??! Omg…I didn’t even know that waking up mid op was a possibility:((( Well done for going through all that and being so positive.. And sharing with us! X


    Awwww thanks for the kind words ladies I did get a little worried that people might think I was being negative but like I said I think it is good to share the negative and the positive.

    i didn’t think you could wake up during either, I was joking beforehand with friends that it would probably happen to me… didn’t actually think it would :/ must have jinxed myself!!

    Soooo unlucky… but onwards and upwards πŸ™‚ xx

    Monica 23

    happy healing Linzi πŸ™‚ I hope you don’t mind the add. We have so similar stats and my op is tomorrow in Preston πŸ™‚


    Don’t mind the add at all πŸ™‚ will keep posting with progress! Xx

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