Rippling Started by: danielle

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  • danielle 3

    Has anyone experienced rippling? Or have any pictures of what it is please? Why does it happen? xxx

    Amy 265

    Hi Hun rippling happens with most implants it’s wether you have enough tissue to cover it.
    I have it slightly in my cleavage but only when I run my fingers over hard it’s not visable x


    It’s one of them chick if your implants are to big in the Breast space xx

    danielle 3

    What does it look like? I’m a 32a and getting 425 and 450 dr Traynor said under the muscle and I said I didn’t want them because of the pain and he said ok he could do overs… But I might get ripping!
    Don’t know what to do!!xx

    Trace 158

    If you hold an implant up by two fingers, you will see it will ripple as it drops down. If your skin isn’t thick enough or you don’t have enough elasticity for the implant you will see those ripples.

    It also can come with age as our skin naturally gets thinner.


    If your Dr thinks your at high risk of rippling he offer you unders as the muscle incases them and stops the ripples did he point this out to you b4 you kick back the unders ? Overs are at higher risk of everything x


    The pain is diffrent is everbody I the only pain I had with my unders was cuz of the uplift ive just gone from under the mucsle to over as the placement wasn’t right for my body as we have Tracey above with her parts that’s half under the muscle the top and come over at the bottom so to me with parts u get the best of both worlds x

    danielle 3

    Thank you xx and I’m just so scared of waking up in pain xx


    I have slight rippling in my cleavage area its difficult to get a photo of it coz its only really visible when leaning over and when i do that my boobs sit together.. i had traynor and i think u should go with what he advises unders will lower the risk a bit.. i went bigger than he wanted me to.. but that said rippling can be fixed with fat grafting or dermal matrix if u can afford it x

    Lisalili 115

    Hi Hun, I had slight rippling with my first BA (325cc overs) but I wanted to go bigger and had 550cc overs a month ago, my rippling seems to have dissaperaed but it is early days so I need to wait longer to see if it develops more. In general an average woman’s chest muscles are not big so although getting unders can help to minimise rippling it is not guaranteed in any way xx

    danielle 3

    I just don’t know if it’s worth the pain of going under it really stresses me the under/over thing it seems pointless if you can still get it with unders too xx

    Jessica 105

    I would go under to reduce the chances of it happening. Yes it might be abit more uncomfortable and your recovery may be abit longer but in the long wrong its worth it! xx

    Lucy 16

    I would listen to Dr traynor he knows what he’s talking about. However this is your op so reasearch as much as you can before you make your choices. I’ve just had unders with him, I’m 1 week post op and not had much serious pain really just discomfort and tightness but I think you’ll get that either way. I kept on top of painkillers every 4 hours for the first 2 days then eased off them abit by day 3, just taking paracetamol and Ibuprofen when needed. It’s definitely not as bad as I had imagined and I’m the biggest wimp ever! I’m back to doing things quite normally apart from lifting and using my arms often obviously. Good luck hope you find what suits you xxxx

    danielle 3

    Lucy what was it like when you first woke up though? My friend who had unders said she begged the nurse to put her back to sleep because she was in that much pain xx

    Lucy 16

    I just felt a heavy feeling like I had something really tight wrapped round me, I couldn’t feel any pain straight away I was just tired and felt abit achey like I’d been out the night before haha! The pain does come but not like you’d imagine, and with keeping on top of meds from the starts and taking it easy I’ve not had any unnameable pain. Everybody’s different chick just listen to your body xxx

    Lucy 16

    Unbareable ***

    Tracey 43

    I would say deffinately go with what the surgeon advises, any pain whatever level will be short term and very manageable with pain killers compared to the years you will have to live with your boobs and the surgeon really knows what will work best for you x

    Amy 265

    I had partials and had mine under sedation I woke up in no pain just heaviness. I was sent home with paracetamol and ibuprofen and only took it for 3 days. Think I was so over the moon I had boobs the pain didn’t bother me.

    Yana 51

    Just to confuse you a bit more- I had unders and my body didn’t like that, they never dropped and I hated them, and I was in pain when exercising. I was the same- didn’t want the rippling (Google that in pictures, you’ll see how it looks, the worst ones). But now I have overs and the relief is fantastic! I’m back in work on 5th day and only needed painkillers for 3 days. And I can already sleep flat on my back. I remember the pain from unders, after 2 weeks I still couldnt lift my arms. But remember, we are all different, you might be like Amy and others who had no problems with partials/unders. I wish I was and didn’t need the revision.

    danielle 3

    Thanks girls xxx wish I knew if everyone was as scared as I am right now so glad this website is here to talk xx

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