Yea the gas and the ga feel dead similar had few ops as a child and adult an felt just the same .
No worries, im glad i could help now its all about waiting anxiously for the day when you wake up with big beautiful boobage!! hehe you’ll be fine, be very honest with your doc and anaesthetist on the day of the op, and dont be afraid to ask, even if you think they are the dumbest questions in the world! i bet you cant wait now!
all the best x x
Aww thanks alot, its really relieving. U know what, you have just made me ceel better than i have ever felt about the whole thing. I really want to keep intouch with you cause your like the best counsellor ever. I’m really going to avoid all negetive web sites because i think i have heard enough. Plus you are so right about the freaked out part.. I’m just going to be optimistic about everything.. Luv yh thanks again
Heyyy! dont worry, you’ll be ok. anaesthetists dont take risks, if they think they shoudnt go ahead with the op for some reason, they wont do it (even if it means sending you back home on the day of the op) and statistics mean nothing to an individual and the fact that you hear someone dies in car crash doesnt mean you’re never going to get in a car again!
i got my new boobs 8 days ago, i know how feel, i was really really nervious about the anaesthesia, side effects, etc because i have asthma and i had a bad cough on the day of the op. You just feel like you’re a bit high to be honest! thats what i felt!, then you fall asleep, an hour later you wake up again, and the first thing you do is look at your new boobs! haha thats what i did! these people are very professional and they will look after you dont let that put you off, and you know, doing research about risks and things like that is smart, obviously we want to know everything about it, just dont let that put you off!
x x
You can ask for a local anaesthetic if the sleeping part bothers you
Wow.. Me too. Im just so scared of ga..totally scared. I wamt tp beg them to give me something different just bt ga.
I had a ga for my nosejob and I was terrified of not waking up, the pain and everything else didn’t bother me, just the ga so was delighted when I did wake up lol. I was out of it immediately and woke up gradually, I drifted in and out of sleep for a while, it’s a strange feeling cos I was trying to fight it and stay awake.
Everyone on here thats had the op says they felt tired after but iv had 8 ops now obviously not cosmetic lol but when i wake up from an op thats it im awake feel refreshed . Everyone different tho
How was it?? Was it like you blinked? And what exactly do you feel when you wake up?
I just read stephanie kuleba’s story who died from reaction to anasthesia during ba at the age of 18. Now i am so so scared!! Not looking forwrd to 14th… I thought complications were with old and over weight people. People who are sick, pregnant or smoker. Drug addicts and stuff like that.. I need reasurance. Calling my pc and surgeon tomorrow.. I even want to talk to the anesthesist(sorry cant spell) i cant sleep so scared. She was so young and healthy.. I need your help girls!! I regret ever reading about her!
You should. But i just read that she had a rear inherited diseases malingnan hyperthermia or smething like that that affect 1-10000/15000 people world wide.
Some1 answer carly, i want to know too? What is the difference between gas and injection.
You ladies have got me thinking about GA and i was wondering (call me blonde if u like!) i had some teeth out when i was a kid (it was when the spice girls first appeared as i had to sing if u wanna be my loverrrrrr zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz and i woke up minus 4 teeth! must have been 1995 so i would have been 9!) is the Gas they used the same as GA but in a different form i had it done at the hospital not a dentists?? just curious??? :confused: and if u have had it before is there less chance of probs??
Carly ?
Thank you… I’m calling my sister though to tell her.. I want her to be here. And i’m avoiding all othr web sites from now on till after the op.
thats why i choose not to read to many bad things, to be honest i’d rather not know…i’m a very very nervous person, but i’ve had a few ops over the years for various things and i’m still her to tell the tale…there are so amny more worse things happening and people survive all the time, you’ll be fine, dont worry x x
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