Oh my goddddd! Freaked out!!! Started by: Megan

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  • Megan 13

    I had my BA on tues. I’ve just ran my fingers down the middle of my gap feeling the skin and I heard and felt almost like bubbles moving, it’s made me feel sick, what on earth is it!???? Help!

    Danielle 131

    It will just be a little bit of air hun nothin to worry about 🙂 x

    Sophie 20

    @megbony I’ve got the same! I can feel them and hear them too! Had my op 6 days ago, saw the nurse yesterday and apparently it’s nothing to worry about, just a swelling / trapped air and will go away. Good luck with your recovery! Xx

    Megan 13

    Thank god for your reply!! Even my partner heard it and was like what the hell was that!!! that was the weirdest thing ever!! Thank you!!

    Rachelellious 28

    Its disgusting isn’t it ! I can hear and feel mine squishing and sloshing when i turn and move ewwww ! had mine done 28th hopefully the air will be gone asap !! lol xx

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