375CC Overs Started by: Nicole

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  • Nicole 8

    Hi, I had my consultation today with my surgeon Mr Singh, and he recommended 375Cc implant over the muscle for wanted size D, this was a surprise to me because I’m a 34A I didn’t think I had enough breast tissue to have this big of an implant so was expecting to be recommended unders, has any one else started off with a smaller bust and had overs?

    Thanks ! Xx

    Danielle 131

    I had 375/400cc moderate plus profile overs and went from a 34A to a 32F x


    i had 430 overs 12 days ago, i thought i was an A but apparently i was a B, but empty on the top B lol X

    Nicole 8

    Ah thanks girls ! Xx

    Leigh 63

    Hey Nicole. I was a 32b and had 375 overs. I went for overs because of fitness, otherwise I would of had unders. I am soooo pleased with my overs and so glad I didn’t mess with the muscle. I am 3 and half week post op and they are just looking better week by week.
    I had cohesive II implants so it made the implant a little firmer to reduce the chance of rippling as I am skinny and didn’t have loads of breast tissue xx

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