Day 3 shortness of breath Started by: danielle

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  • danielle 3

    I had my op on Tuesday morning and today I keep stopping breathing and having to to take a few quick breaths I don’t know I’m doing this it just keeps happening

    Leigh 63

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    Make sure that you are standing/sitting up straight and taking in conscious big breathes to open up your chest. it does feel weird but you need to do it so you’re not holding yourself funny or breathing funny x

    danielle 3

    I’m not sat up straight I’m kind of slanted and yes it feels like my boobs are going to fall off xxx

    Lucy 10

    I’d say prop yourself up more on your v pillow if you have one. I was like this and ended up panicking and make it worse!
    So stay calm and take big breaths like Leigh said.
    Hope you improve. Every day does get better especially after the first week xx

    Leigh 63

    Yeah, I’d say prop yourself up more too 🙂 The reason that you sleep upright is to take the pressure off your chest/lungs. It will feel weird, I swore my breathing wasn’t going to go back to normal but try your hardest to take the biggest slowest breath to proper expand your chest. This will start to help the tight breathlessness that you have.
    I second that, each day gets better. Hope that helps x

    danielle 3

    Thank you I’ve had a few panic attacks xxx

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