Woke up in night shaking/rocking/dizzy Started by: danielle

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  • danielle 3

    I’ve woke up and I can’t stop shaking or feeling like I’m rocking about or going to be sick feel dizzy and sick and hot flushes

    Wendy 6

    I would call the nurser Danielle in case you are getting an infection. Just to be safe xxx

    danielle 3

    I’ve spoke to her it could be the start of one going to see how I go today xx

    Lucy 16

    I felt like this and phoned the nurse and got told its nothing to do with the surgery go to my gp if it carries on, it did carry on and I almost fainted in work (embarrassing) however had no other boob related problems so it wasn’t an infection or anything, hope it’s the same for you! Xx

    danielle 3

    What was it? I’ve laud off the meds and got more rest I cheek checking my temp and it’s normal so that’s good I have got soreness under my boob on the right though :-/ hoping it’s nothing werird going on with my stitches xxx

    danielle 3

    I’m ok now by the way I think the main of it was being over tired my boyfriend kept me awake then I couldn’t sleep in the night so I told him to go out for a few hours yday so I could take a nap and I spoke to the nurse twice, cut down on my pain tablets and I’m ok now. So getting rest is important even if you have to tell someone to leave you alone lol and if you are unsure of anything just ring one of the nurses because I nearly took stronger pain killers before I was even due them if I hadn’t of spoke to her and I’m 109% sure now that it would of made me feel worse and try not to panic is a big thing too x x x

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