All done!! 325cc HP unders – Mr Mounir, Preston Started by: Emma

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  • Emma 16

    Had a bit of a long weight after Mr Mounir & some of the girls on the list before me got stuck in some awful motorway traffic this morning. Had an admission time of 8am & didn’t go down until about 2.30pm so was starving, thirsty & getting tired & a bit grumpy!

    Can’t fault the care from the lovely nurses at Preston. The only thing I’d say was that they could have communicated a bit more about timings.

    Freaked out a little bit when the GA was being administered but the next thing i knew i was being woken up by the most lovely nurse (think her name was Jane) & me asking if i was all done.

    Haven’t experienced any pain at all yet! Just a bit uncomfortable & tight feeling & my incisions keep feeling just like i’m wearing an uncomfortable underwired bra. Tucked up in bed trying to get myself to sleep soon.

    Couldn’t be happier so far. They’re very high & look big but i think i’ll get used to them quickly. Not too big though & so far no boob greed 🙂

    Eaten my bodyweight in pizza after getting home, no sickness feeling at all and just so happy!!!xx

    Emma 16

    *wait not weight!!!

    Hayley 21

    Well done bet your glad it’s over I’m scared to death did you take anyone with you? Are you allowed x

    Emma 16

    @hayley0409 my best friend came with me & stayed all day (which she’s a legend for because it was a good 12hr day from leaving mine to leaving the hospital!) had been getting really worries about the pain & my heart rate went theough the roof as i felt the GA kicking in – you could hear the machine going a bit mental!! I hadn’t been too worries about it but got nervous on the way there but because of the long wait i was more bothered about being so hungry & not being able to drink any water! When’s yours?xx

    Hayley 21

    Mines 9th June also at Preston but my best friend is coming whose a nurse so makes me feel a little better . I’m still undecided on what size to have Its supposed to be 350cc but scared they may be too big or too small does everyone feel like this ha ha x

    Emma 16

    @hayley0409 i completely felt like this! Even went back to meet with Mr Mounir again to talk to him about it. Went 25ccs bigger than my original choice but that’s so minimal i’m not sure how much difference it would have made. Who’s your surgeon? Unders or overs? Are you far from the hospital? I had a huge dobr week about spending so much money of something so completely selfish, the risks of GA, would i look ridiculous, would i hate them, would i be in so much pain that it would make me hate that i’d had them done! I full on expected to be in agony & along the lines of “why did i do this to myself??” But even my friend said she was surprised how good i feel xx

    Hayley 21

    I’m having overs because I’ve had children . Yes I’m so glad you said that because I keep thinking what could I buy my children with this money ? Are people thinking I’m being vain? Some people would just like healthy boobs so why am i being selfish? What if they look discusting and trashy the list is endless but then I see girls on here over the moon with no regrets and it spurs me on. I’m having mr traynor and heard really good reviews i just don’t want them to look fake x

    Emma 16

    @hayley0409 i think everyone goes through the same emotions before it, especially because it’s something we’re choosing to have done rather than sething we definately need if that makes sense?! All i’ve been able to think since yesterday is why didn’t i have it done earlier?! I think so long as you’ve discussed everything with your surgeon you’ll get what you want looks wise in terms of them not being fake looking. I’ve had unders so was expecting the pain to be huge but still not too bad, just struggling a little bit with not being able to sleep on my side xx

    Emma 16


    Emma 16

    Ahhh! Won’t let me post it, says tye file size is too big. I’ll try putting them on my profile xx

    Hayley 21

    I know Emma thank you I’m glad it’s normal to have these feelings. Do you have to sleep sat up? How long do you have them strapped up. Think I’m going to struggle most with not being able to go gym for 6 weeks coz I go away 6 weeks after having them done x

    Emma 16

    @hayley0409 i slept quite low down, just made sure my chest was higher than my hips. Probably got a solid 4-5hrs before i woke up a little bit uncomfortable but manages to get back to sleep ok for a bit longer. I’m not sure you’ll have that heavy white strapping – mr mounir doesn’t do it, not sure about traynor – but they put you in a sports bra & you’re supposed to wear them day & night for 6 weeks. Not going to the gym is going to kill me slightly! Just going to make sure i’m eating really well xx

    heidi 32


    Hayley 21

    Ok so I’ve bought two sports bra at 32 dd and they are high intensity with no wire is this right if I’m having 350cc it’s all so confusing. Emma how are yours feeling today have u took any pics x

    Beckii 50

    This post hits true for me too ….. I’ve been so self conscious about my breasts for so many years and now I’m finally going for it … Yay! But can’t help but feel a little selfish about it.

    Beckii 50

    Emma how did you find Mr Mounir as a surgeon? Did he use drains?

    Sophie 25

    I have to have unders too!! im having them on 29th July with Mr traynor! I reallyyyyyy don’t know whether to have 325cc or 350cc im SOO torn?!?! how big do you think they look, I know there isn’t much difference in the sizes but I don’t want them too small or too big ? xxxx

    Emma 16

    Hi girls! Sorry, haven’t been on for a few days. Had a bit of a crappy day 3 (weds) – still no out & out pain but VERY uncomfortable & really didn’t want to move my right arm much.

    Woke up yesterday (thurs) though & felt great and have just carried on improving. Had my hair washed yesterday & made me feel human again!

    he was great. Straight talking, listened to what i wanted. Couldn’t have been happier with him.

    i was expecting to have unders as i had so little tissue over the top of my ribcage so overs would have looked really unnatural on me. I waa given the choice of 300/325/350 opted for the 325’s after initially thinking 300. They look a bit odd at the moment – very stuck on but that’s just the muscle holding them tight. They look like they’re just going to look really natural & in proportion when they’ve settled which is exactly what i wanted xx

    Emma 16

    @Beckii no drains either! Just dressings over your incisions & they put you in your sports bra before you go home xx

    Sophie 25

    Awww thank you Emma! yes they are my choices too, I have ordered 325 and 350 as I just really don’t know which to go for. I don’t want to feel “cheated” as some girls have said I may. What size do you recon you might be when they settle etc? I’m glad everything went okay and congratulations 🙂 xxx

    Emma 16

    @sophlou i’m currently wearing a 32D sports bra so possibly a D/DD when they’ve settled. They don’t look massive though, just in proportion which is exactly what i asked for. It’s amazing how quickly they’ve started to soften & look less stuck on as well xx

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