7am admissions time? Started by: Tiffany

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  • Tiffany 22

    Hey girls I’ve just received a text to say my admission time is 7am does this mean that I’ll be like the first on the list to go down? I really hope so I’m not good with nerves and nervous already I give myself a headache about the needles and stuff just really hoping this means I’ll be the first anyone else had there’s at 7am? Xxx

    Jodie 16

    Hey. Not sure but it sounds that way. My admission time was 10 and I went down by 12.30. The girl in my room was 9am admission and she went in by 11.30

    Jade 2

    Hey Hun, I had a 7am admission time, there was two of us with that time, I was first on the list but I know there was another girl with the same time as I asked the nurse when I was shown to my room. So you’ll be either first or second, hope this helps xx

    Tiffany 22

    Thank you so much :), I’ll ask her when I go in :), thanks girls xx

    Charlie 5

    Tiffany – I was also 7am admission time, its usually 2 of you. I went down for my op about 11:30 but there was a girl before me. So i was second. Good Luck

    Sophie 2

    I went into Fitzroy at 7am yesterday mr Singh came to see me at 8 and I went to theatre at 9.30 and was back in my room at 11.30 🙂 xx

    Tiffany 22

    Thanks girls I am so so excited now it’s on Monday woo :), that’s ok then at least it be in the morning :), xxx

    Laura R 2

    I think it just depends, as my admission time was 8am and didn’t go down until 3pm as traynor said they’d had a “big case” which knocked everything late. Hopefully you’ll be down quicker than I was! Good luck! Xx

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