Ouch advise please? Started by: kaylee asbury

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  • kaylee asbury 16

    I had my opp on Thursday and pain has been bare able but tonight they feel so uncomfortable like there swelling really bad I don’t no weather to take Macom bra off, I feel so uncomfortable on top of bloating:(. Xx

    Jenny 29

    I had some really bad nights .. I’m only 9 day post op but you turn a corner and it gets better.. I think the key is to try and relax , do things that calm you and time will heal .. Take it easy 🙂

    kaylee asbury 16

    I feel like there rising and my breast bone hurts, they not been that bad but tonight I’m in tears, think it’s lack of sleep to, plus I hate being restricted and strapping with a Macom bra not very comfortable. Xx

    Hayley 19

    Morning kaylee, I had to take my bra off last night too! I haven’t put it back on yet but I figure that we are so heavily strapped that it shouldn’t matter?!? I don’t want to put mine back on 🙁 I am still uncomfortable this Mornijg but I’d say I feel slightly better than this time yesterday. Hope your feeling more comfortable soon xxx

    kaylee asbury 16

    I managed to keep mine on Hayley I didn’t want to just to scared to take it off:/…feel a little better today there not so swollen but still very high, I’m just keep thinking of end goal, I’m starting to get itchy on one breast hope that means it’s healing! Xx

    Hayley 19

    Well done for keeping it on! I’ve put mine back on but its so uncomfortable 🙁 I’m getting a bit itchy too. Roll on full recovery hey?! Lol xxx

    kaylee asbury 16

    I no I carnt wait feel like a useless mom:( but my little boy being a diamond and helping lots:)…roll on Wednesday back to Birmingham to have strapping taken off, I bet they will feel like they won’t to hit the floor lol. Xx

    Hayley 19

    Oh I know how you feel, my little lady just fell down the stairs and all I could do was shout to my husband for help 🙁 felt like the worst mum ever :(((
    Haha, I’m not looking forward to that feeling when the strapping comes off and nervous about how much brushing etc will be underneath. Hoping the incisions are healing well too! I’ve had to take my Macom off again… I’m in agony when it’s on. ive only taken 1 pain killer today though as want the bloating to go- fingers crossed xxx

    kaylee asbury 16

    Oh dear hope she is ok?…I’ve had pain killers at 8am and just because mine are killing and all sorts going on!! I’ve had a bubbling feeling in left one and they really are so tight I no they want to drop but stuck in position to this tape, I’ll upload some pics excuse my pasty look as its kind of taken it out off me! Xx

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    kaylee asbury 16

    That was before and trying to upload a now:)


    Hey Hun,
    My surgeon said I was okay to take my strapping off after 24 hours, which I did and it was the most amazing thing I did! I slept so well that night and because my sports bra was tight it helped keep them squished 🙂 once your strapping is off you will have a good nights sleep! The pain does go 🙂 at PO day 3 for me I started to feel a million times better and I’m now PO day 16 and eager to go out and buy bras! Still struggle to sleep on my back but I’m slowly able to sleep on side. Xxx

    kaylee asbury 16

    @emma they said I have to keep it on till I go to have it taken off on Wednesday:(, I’ve undone my Macom bra and put ice underneath them and omg best feeling ever:) xx


    Emma, wherer did you get your boobs done? x

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