Squishy and wobble? Started by: Jodie

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  • Jodie 14

    How long until they wobble and are soft? I tried on a bra yesterday and they just sat there rather than fill the bra. I’m only 4.5 weeks PO but I’m getting impatient with them lol! Xx

    Trace 158

    Mine started to be squishier at 6 ish weeks, now at almost 9 weeks I can do pretty much anything with them, but they are still firm ish and need to soften more! xx

    Jodie 14

    Ah great I’m not too far off then! They’re somewhat squishy but don’t really sit in a bra yet haha. At least it isn’t too long to wait! I was worried that I’d have to wait a few months!
    Thanks Trace 🙂 xx

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