What should I take with me to the hospital?? Started by: Lizzie

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  • Lizzie 11

    Hi girlies, only 3 weeks and 3 days until my surgery!! So excited now!
    I was wondering what I need to take with me to hospital so I can prepare myself? Any advice would be fab 🙂 xx

    kaylee asbury 16

    Are you a day case or night? they give you stockings, gown, paper pants and slippers…just take your phone or a tablet, change of clothes and wipes to take your makeup off, take your piercings out. I was a night case so took some snacks, mags and toiletries. good luck hun you will love it. xx

    Lizzie 11

    I’m a day case. Wasn’t sure if I needed to take my own gown or anything? Thank you, that’s really helpful! So excited!! Xx

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