3 more sleeps….so nervous, anxious, everything!!! Started by: sara

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  • sara

    now that i think back it has come round quick hasnt it! lol I cant believe its actually happening!! this time in 2 days it will be over!! so scared lol

    Cant beleive how quick today has gone at work, thought it would drag 1 more day at work!! excellent!!!!! x xx x


    You have just a few more hours till your new boobs!! Good luck.. Its all making me less nervous seeing that all of you are fine and going to be fine ;)


    Thank emma, i’m sure i will be fine, i’m a very nervy person anyway! lol will get on as soon as i can to share my story ;) x x


    Good luck sara!! mines bloody ages away lol. another 3 wks yet. Cant wait to read your story ive only heard everyone saying they dunno why they woried cause everyone there is so nice so im sure u will be looked after. xxx


    arr thanks sarah…so bloody nervous!! x x


    ill be thinking of you tomorow sara!! im just sad mine is all over so quickly!! x


    thanks girls, i thought it was going to go really slow aswell but god its gone quick!!! cant beleive this time tomorro it will be over!!! if i turn up and dont chicken out!! hahaha x x


    Hey chick good luck not long now! I too am green with envy the next month is going to be very slow!

    AmyLou x


    Good luck sara hun . Just keep busy today hope it goes quick for you will be thinkin of you . Im green with envy . Iv got two more week yet so make sure you let us know how it all went .


    Good luck sara!


    Arr thanks pam…cant beleive its actually tomorrow!! this time tomorrow we’ll be there! scary!! x x


    GOOD LUCK sara…its your surgery but i am getting excited.i really hope all goes well with you.will be waiting for your story:)


    Thank Jacqui, i cant beleive your 7 weeks post op already! god its gone so quick hasnt it! are you still really pleased? I’m sure you are they look fab hun!! xx


    yes, and i remember saying to you that by the time you have your ba, i’ll be 7 weeks post op, and i am :)

    So exciting, will be thinking of you hun xx


    Hi girls, cant beleive how quick its come round, 3 more sleeps!! this time in 3 days it should all be over!! Oh god!

    I’ve got to be at highgate for 7.30am wed morn, am really really hoping i’ll be going down early cos i know i’m gonna be a nervous wreck, silly i know! I’ve had several ops before and always been the same, this just feels scarier!! lol

    I am honestly all over the place, was walking around tescos yesterday, started smiling in excitement for no reason, people must’ve thought i was a weirdo!! haha Then got home, i was fine, an hour later i started cryin, for no reason! Just feel so emotional all of a sudden, suppose it doesnt help that i’m on my period aswell, i get emotional enough with that!! haha My poor boyfriend, he just gave me a tenner to go and have a sunbed and cheer myself up, easy way out i guess!! lol bless him!

    Am assuming its normal to feel like this? I’m sure alot of people do, just so much going through my head now that its so close!!!

    Some advice needed on this v-pillow thing aswell please, is it worth me gettin one? Heard mixed reviews on it, but dont want to waste money on it if its not worth it, but if its likely to really help i’ll get one???



    OMG Sara

    It’s nearly Wednesday, and time for your new twins to arrive :)

    You’ll be absolutely fine hun, and before you know it, you’ll be posting your story. Can’t wait to hear it, good luck xx


    Wow only two more sleeps sara bet your nerves are all over the place . Good luck chick let us all know how it went x x x


    yeah, mines a week on friday, so a bit to wait yet still!

    just try and relax as much as you can. i get myself wound up so much its really not good, haha. good luck!! :bigsmile: xxx


    thanks bex…yours is a week friday isnt it! its coming round so quick! cant beleive it! thought today would drag at work but its going so quick!!! lol

    am all over the place….god its scary but i am so excited at same time!! x x


    arrggghhhh! sara! its like the closesed ever now! cant believe youre getting yours done in 2 days. it seems so real now youre getting yours done! lol. good luck with everything babe, you will be fine! im feeling the same as you now. nervous and anxious but excited. let us know how you get on. and enjoy it!!! :D xxx


    thank you, does make me feel better and less anxious readin your stories, i know deep down i’ll be fine, just want it over with now! 2 more days at work, hope it goes quick!! haha



    Don’t be nervous, its over in no time! I had my BA and Uplift done 3 weeks ago, and i remember getting up at 6am on that monday morning, and i was sooooo nervous and anxious! but the driver from Transform Cosmetic was lovely and made me feel so at ease.

    Once i got there i had to wait a while and sit in the gown they had given me and dressing gown, at that point i was like “shit shit shit!!!!! then i went walked over to the surgeons rom and they asked me to lay on the bed, and then put the thingy in my arm, and were laughing and joking with me then i fell asleep.

    Next thing i knew, i woke up, and i was having a lovely dream!! then i realsied it was over!! and they said “welcome back!” i was sooooo happy!!!!! they then wheeled me to my room, and i felt like id been on the vodkas the nigth b4 ha ha!!

    After that, i chilled all day and had my drains in etc, and i have to say, it wasnt that bad at all!!!!! its was very relaxing for me, and i had some gorg food! i know i went with a different clinic but the owner of Mya used t own Transform so thats why i came on here.

    Anyway good luck and dont be scared, its nothing at all!! and so exciting!! im sat here and i have a nice pair of dd’s poking out of me pyjamas! ha ha XXXXXXXXX take care XXXXX


    :bigsmile: Just wanted to say Good luck Sara cant wait to read ur story and see the pics!
    Hope all goes well and i’m sure you will be fine :wink::peace:x


    Arr thanks girls, i know deep down i’ll be ok, just keep feelin emotional, and scared in a way…i’m terrible being such a nervy person anyway, get myself so worked up and for nothing most of the time! I am excited and really looking forward to it, just want it over with now ;)

    Ok i’ll invest in a v pillow then, argos tomorro i think ;)



    Hi there. I had my BA done last wed at highgate. You have nothing to worry about – they look after you really well. Good luck xx

    Kelly x


    oh good luck for wed hon you will be fine, its just your emotions are all over the place its quite normal. i did not cry but i was very nervous..
    as for the v pillow i used it on the sofa, i still am, but i found it not good to sleep on, i just propped myself up on the pillows.. so up to you.. let me know how you get on..x


    Sara, 3 days yeah!! that will fly by.

    V pillow is a must it has made my recovery better and would defo recommend to get one as for the emotional feelings i didnt get any but did keep walking around with a smile on my face and having the odd giggle to myself the thought was exciting, dont be nervous as you will be in safe hands enjoy it.

    My hubby was doing the washing the other day and said it there any point in washing this bra, one of my 36b’s i was like ahhhh my little babies have gone and hell yeah chuck it he he, ive not got round to throwing them all out yet(all 15) of them ??????? gonna be an expensive shopping trip to replace them but defo worth it.

    not really tried any of my clothes on as i have just laid around in my pj’s for a week so excited to try proper clothes on for work tomoz!

    good luck for your op you will be fine and be sure to inform us on the twins arrival.

    get on the sunbed a couple of times as i am now starting to look pale argh!!!

    clare good luck for yours as this will come round soo quick he he


    Aw hun am just the same i got another two week an it feels ages away . Hope all goes well for you just try keepin busy or something . Your fella has the right idea sun bed or go sort your draws an wadrobe out of all those lil bras clothes that just wont fit in a few days . X

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