So upset i hate my boobs!!1 Started by: Emma

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  • Emma 26

    I am so upset as i thought things would get better but i think there just getting worse, i hate looking at my boobs i am nearly 11 weeks post op, so everything has settled swelling and so on i am happy with the size as any bigger for me would look silly, but now i have been left with boobs i seriously doubt will improve, my left boob was always just a small amount biggerby means of just filling my bra a little better but nothing major but now i have a boob that is so much bigger than the other, other people keep pointing it out, if people stand at the right side to me they point it out because now theres like a cup size difference, when i lie down the right breast falls to the side, which is expected but the right one stays closer to the middle, its noticable in every single top i wear i have attached photos, im dissapointed aas when i told the nurse last week she said nothing was wrong and im being silly she said they look the same and feel the same but its blaitant and i dont see how the left one will decrease in size, i can no longer show my husband as its embarrasing and i wear his tshirts now to cover up, im getting so depressed as this was not what i wanted at all xxxx

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    Jenny 29

    Can you talk to your surgeon and tell him it’s not what you wanted .?.. You have that right sweetie .. You know your body best!

    Jessica 42

    Has your 12 week check up appointment been booked? I’d speak to your surgeon and see what he suggests. I know people say it can take up to a year for you to fully settle but if you’re really not happy you should push for a re op. I hope you manage to get sorted xx

    Emma 26

    Hey Hun i havent seen him yet and unfortunatly theres no confirmed dates for when Dr Singh is at the birmingham Clinic which is already an hours drive away for me 🙁 starting to feel a little hopeless but thanks for the replies, from when i first had the op even with strapping on you could see a distinctive size difference but obviously with swelling you just think things will change but even when i lift my arms up the scar is a centimeter away from the boob thats bigger and fuller where as the scar on my other boob is exactly where it should be, it could be anything but just want it right and i dont know if i would get a reop for this which wouldnt be at my own cost 🙁 x


    I would see ur surgeon maybe 2 diff size implants should have been used?asymmetry is a risk we are not covered for i have it slightly as my boobs were not quite equal sizes to start with but there wasnt a big enough diff for 2 diff size implants to be used.. and the bigger the implants the more noticeable it becomes.. ur right it wont improve hun if anything it gets worse as they settle.. im just under 1 year po x

    Toula 27

    Did you have the same size implant put in both or did he use a different size for each one?
    I think if you are paying that kind of money you should not be left with a size difference that you have.. I completely understand you being upset but just think, it’s not like you have an illness or something that can’t be helped… this is an issue that can be resolved. So try not to be too upset.
    Book an appointment with your surgeon xx

    Emma 26

    Ive just got through to the clinic, and there so helpful its unreal bless them, they have asked me to come back and see the nurse as the last one was a little rushed gave them a squeeze and sent me on my way lol but they said Dr Singh wont be working there for a while he might be going back next month but nothings for sure, so thats a waiting game but they did say that if need be i could see another surgeon for a surgeons opinion, im going to see a nurse who i havve a good relationship with which is good but have to wait two weeks, But yes i had 500cc in both breasts 🙁 its just wierd when i put a bra on i fill the one cup but then theres a gap in the other, i would be happy with the bigger one if the other was the same and vice versa, but just panicking im stuck with this forever as its noticeable to people makes me paranoid 🙁 x

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