Macom Bra Needed?? Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Hey ladies. So basically I’m having my breast aug tomorrow (eeeeekkk). I got back from Cyprus a few days ago and ordered my Macom Bra then and it still has not been delivered!! So I was just wondering if it is 100% necesary to have it?? Will it be a problem if I don’t have a sports bra to leave in??


    Hi Hun, Mr Marcellino doesn’t usually strap so you will defo need a bra. He did mine in Monday and I was discharged wearing my macom. Good luck Hun xxx

    di ulysses 16

    hi chan, perhaps you could pop up m&s and get one of their full support bras or sports bra with zip just while waiting for your macom. mine hasn’t arrived either and my op was yesterday and i brought something with pop-up buttons from john lewis and a few other bras from m&s. i will be discharged this morning so we’ll see if it will be a prob – shouldn’t be. hope this helps and good luck darling! x


    Thank you so much girls. I will try to pop into M&S this morning. I hope you are both healing well xxx

    Lizzie 11

    I was in the same situation, my Macom took ages to be delivered! But i didn’t have time to go and get another bra so I went to my surgery without a bra and they had to send my mum out to buy one for me because they wouldn’t let me leave without one xx


    Thank you Lizzie. I was worried that they would have to cancel my op. I guess my friend who is with me will have to go and buy one. Thank you for replyingxxxx

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