HP UNDERS 325 OR 350 ANY REGRETS FOR CHOSING 350 ANYONE?x Started by: Sophie

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  • Sophie 25

    Hi Girls,
    I’m 5’3″ at the most, a size 10 pretty slim and toned and weigh around 9stone, I am really torn between these two sizes – has anyone gone for the 350cc HP Unders and regretted it? I don’t want to look top heavy and my op is getting close now and i’m starting to stress again 🙁 xxx

    Toula 27

    I am a size 6 and got 325 and i find them a bit too big… I would have personally gone a bit smaller now xx

    Sophie 25

    ahhh really everyone normally says they wished they had gone a bit bigger, this is so hard! my ops in just over two weeks and I’m stressing so much 🙁 – I hope you start to feel a bit better about them its so sad 🙁 how are you finding recovery though?xxx

    Meg 11

    Hi Sophie, I’ve just had 325cc in left and 350cc in right and unders, I’m about 5ft 6 and weigh 8 stone. I’m actually hoping mine get a tiny bit bigger when they drop and fluff so I don’t think the 350cc will look too big on you 🙂 your surgeon will know best though and you’ll have another chat with him at the hospital 🙂 I hope this helps!

    Sophie 25

    thank you Meg!!, and yeah I went to see him again at the clinic because I was stressing and basically he just told me that if i went for my op and he didn’t tell me which size he used,, then i wouldn’t know because there isn’t much difference in them, so then i made my choice in my head of the 350 but I’ve been reading a few posts and its making me change my mind again. how was your recovery i hope im not in too much pain, its going to kill me not being active and in the gym! haha xxx

    Toula 27

    Recovery has been a nightmare for me! I was in and out of hospital for over a week as I had allergic reactions to the drugs and stuff :/ I have also found it VERY painful which I wasn’t expecting as I have a high pain threshold and am usually a really fast healer and stuff. I’m 16 days post op and still can’t move much. xx

    Sharna 37

    I was a 34B pre op & ive had 350cc HP taking me to a 34DD / 32E depending where I go, I would say my boobs look about a D though cos don’t forget you look smaller than the size bra you fit in, I’ve got photos on my profile feel free to take a look. & to Answer your question I would of liked a bit bigger & had no pain at all healed so quick xx

    Meg 11

    To begin with I was in agony and couldn’t even go to the loo or pick up a mug by myself! But it is starting to ease, I’m just finding the strapping extremely uncomfortable at the moment and as for the gym, well not being able to go just makes me want to cry! Haha it’s horrible! but I’m so excited to actually have BOOBS when I wear a sports bra not just nipples haha :L and feel confident so then I can get back into working on the rest of my body again in a couple months 😃 just make sure you don’t rush back Into exercise! Xx


    I’ve had 350 overs moderate plus profile and I love them 😁 no one at work or my family can tell (I’ve only told a few people) which I take as a good thing as I didn’t want to look ridiculous x

    Courtney 7

    I got 375cc, I’m around a size 6/8 and I feel they are much to big however I am only 8 days post op so hopefully they get a bit smaller… I wish I’d went for 325/350 now.


    I’m size 8-10 and same height as you and I had 375cc which is only tiny amount bigger if you wanted to have a look on my profile. Ive had a quick try on of bras too which is naughty of me and I’m atm a 32DD/E but I don’t think mine look huge xxxxx

    Misia 54

    Hi, I’m 5,2 feet and 7,7 stone and at the moment no boobs 🙁 so which size is best for me? I want natural look and I want actually see I have boobs! Please help me

    Sophie 25

    Hi girls, sorry I haven’t been on for a while, thank you all so much for your comments! I have just over a week left now, I’m still undecided! I don’t think im going to manage to decide now, I think it will just ne a case of telling my surgeon to do what ever he thinks. I’ve been back to see him and to try them on and I still cant say which ones. Those that were struggling with recovery I hope now you are all feeling much better!!? ive got my macom’s now so its all just that little bit more real!! xxxxx

    Kelly 14

    Hi Sophie! I’m 5ft 4, size 8 on top and 10 on the bottom and also 9st. I was also debating between 350 and 375 and have decided on 375, it’s not even a cup size difference and would much rather them be too big than too small. But I can’t imagine there being much difference anyway. When’s your op? Mines a week today! Got my Macom aswell and it does feel more real now ha xx

    Kelly 14

    Ah I read it wrong, I thought you were debating 350 and 375 lol but I would say go for 350 so you don’t regret it! Xx

    Lizzie 11

    I’m a size 8, 8 stone and 5,3. I was so stuck between these two sizes aswell! I went for 350 in the end. At first they were SO huge and I thought what have I done?!! But now 3 weeks post op they have changed so much and I LOVE them!! Swelling has gone done and they are starting to drop and fluff. I 100% would have regretted not going bigger if I had 325 xxx

    Jessica 42

    I’m 5ft 2 size 8 and had 350uhp overs from an empty c cup, I’m measuring a 30ff now which sounds massive but they really don’t look out of proportion for my body. Xx

    danielle 18

    I’m a size 6/8 and had 325 (pics on profile) and wish I had gone bigger 🙁 x

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