how long does the process take Started by: heatherboobs

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    hiya i have a appointment on wesday to speak to someone about breast reduction how long does the process normally take from the 1st meeting untill the surgery im really eager and been waiting a long time 8 years before making these steps i am possitive that breast reduction is what i want as my breast really get me down .


    hi! 🙂

    i had my first consultation on the 1st of august, and im having my ba a week on friday :bigsmile: so nearly 11 weeks for me! but i had to arrange myself around work so it could have been quicker i reckon! xxx


    hi, when i had my 1st consultation i was given a possible surgery date wich was 2 weeks away! i think as soon as you like really if they have the space.xx


    yeh mine took about 6 weeks in all, so not that long! what size are you, and how smaller do you want ya boobs to be?? god you cud have given me some of ya boobs, instead of me having imlants ha ha!. ive had an uplift aswell, which is similar scarring to a reduction, around the nipple and down.

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