Why MYA? Started by: Sarah

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  • Sarah 11

    So I had my first consultation today and booked my second with the surgeon on Thursday to discuss size! A couple of my friends have had them done all with varying companies. After my consultation a few friends asked how much and saw £5000 as being expensive? A few recommended me some other places which are cheaper but I feel more drawn to mya although I have had no consultations with anyone else. So what I am asking is why did you choose mya?

    Emma 26

    I was always drawn to mya and no idea why haha, it just seemed right like a gut feeling, i would hear of celebs having surgery using mya which may of helped as mya has lots of exposure, theres just a lovely feel to them like very professional and very relaxed, which eases the tension when your making such life hanging decisions, 5000 isnt expensive considering the fact you get lifetime,e after care you get, which includes a good few years for capsular contracture issues and rupture too, they keep up to date with the best implants, money shouldnt be he issue leadig your decision , your health and your wellbeing should,

    Do your research like loads, and i mean loads haha

    All the best hun x


    Well to begin with they have this forum which has helped me dozens of times in the last couple of months! Literally hundreds of girls here to talk to!

    Secondly MYA has some brilliant surgeons that know exactly how to get the best effect. There are rarely any horror stories!

    Thirdly, MYA are friendly and not threatening and don’t pressure you into a procedure. Consultations are free so you can see as many surgeons as you like.

    All of the hospitals are lovely with nice staff and facilities.

    Personally I chose MYA because I didn’t feel intimidated or rushed. I also chose it because of this forum and the on going support. £5000 is a small price to pay to feel comfortable. Xxx I paid that and don’t regret it.

    I’m 8 days post op. 480cc uhp overs. Xx


    Also, there is nothing wrong with wanting to find the best price. It’s a hell of a lot of money and a very competitive field. You can always ask MYA for a discount! Some girls have gotten upwards of £** off. I had to book a hotel in Preston for 2 nights as it was 2.5 hours away and they paid for that, dinner and petrol. Xxx

    Sarah 11

    Thanks girls, having the op has been on my mind since I lost 3 stone last year and feel completely out of proportion, I spent nearly 4 hours reading these forums last night and signed up for a free consultation, a few hours later I got a call and they had a cancellation for that afternoon, I agree they have been fab so far, really friendly and informative. I am happy to pay the £** or £** but just interested to know how people’s experiences have varied before. I am also straight into a new job from living on a student wage so although funds are there I want to make sure I am paying the best possible people! Hayley they look fantastic. I am currently a small A but around 5ft9 with big hips small waist and flat chest, not in proportion at all. Would ideally like to be a D/DD.

    Nicole Newman 13

    Hey! Even my PC admitted I could get the surgery cheaper elsewhere but MYA were so helpful and understanding. The fact that the implants they use also last around 30 years makes them more expensive! A friend of mine paid £** but hers will need changing in 10/15 years. My op is booked for next Friday and I couldn’t be happier so far xxx


    I choose MYA because of looking at all the work they’ve done, u can tell there experts in breast augmentation, when I looked at other places like Transform/Harley Medical/Birkdale there work didn’t quite meet my expectations on the natural part.

    Also the aftercare is 50x better than else were, that reassures u that there not just after ur money but ur health and well being

    I’ve researched for the past 5-6months, I’ve wanted this procedure for 10 years but never took the leap shall I say haha but I knew it was the rite time and MYA was the place I went to and never looked anywhere else coz I already did the research ? xxx



    How did you get them to pay for travel and hotel expenses?? I’m always keen to find a bargain!
    Thanks 🙂

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