Pain when breathing Started by: Vicky

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  • Vicky 1

    Hi Girls,

    Wondering if anyone had any answers. I had my BA last Monday and for the past four day shave been experiencing pain in my left breast towards the bottom and on the inside. It is severely worse when I take a deep breath. I also cant yawn or cough as its too painful. I have to pull my macom bra away from my boob to breathe. It seems to be worse today for some reason. I rang the helpline and she suggested getting a bigger back sized bra. I am not convinced this will help. I can also feel like a clicking feeling as if the implant is moving in front of then back behind something. This too is painful. Any one had similar?


    Sophie 25

    Hi! I am just over two weeks post op and I was the same breathing especially! Are you sleeping upright? It’s hard and uncomfortable but the weight of the inplants of your not up right can sometimes cause this. I asked me PC. But overall what your going through it totally normal. Even to cough now I have to hold my right boob it gets easier Hun!! Xxxx

    babyboo 6

    Hi Hun, I remember the pain being that unbearable that I begged my partner to take me to hospital to have them out!! I had a lot of pain in my left boob and couldn’t lift my arm or move it. I never had any problems with them and the pain subsided after 3 weeks. Keep an eye though, if it dosnt get better then get hold of mya x

    Vicky 1

    Thanks ladies that’s reassured me a little. I think in panicking because my right boob is fine. I’m gonna ring my clinic today anyway . Hope you’re both doing well ladies xxxxx

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