Hey girlies only doing research at the moment, and would like to know what’s the difference between over and under the muscle?! What’s recommended? So confused!
What is best differs from person to person. The surgeon usually chooses the placement for a specific reason. I had overs to avoid double bubbling (where the natural tissue creates a 2nd roll under the boob). Your surgeon will know best xxx
Aw ok, just been looking it up on the Internet and its most common to go under the muscle seems to be more popular xx
Hi Rachel
There are three different placement types although I believe mya only offer over the muscle or partically under the muscle … Think only in certain circumstances do they put the implant fully under the muscle.
There are pros and cons to either placement for example overs tend to soften quicker and you usually have a quicker healing time as the muscle hasn’t been lifted. Overs also tend to be better if you do a lot of exercises that use your chest muscles as they are less likley to distort when the muscle is flexed. However overs have a slightly higher risk of capsular contracter and I think may have a slightly higher chance of bottoming out.
Unders/partials take longer to heal but give the implants a little more support as they are held by the muscle and not just the skin. They are also better if you have little or no breast tissue as they hide the implant edge giving a more natural look. The thing however that can occur with this type of placement is what’s called the double bubble, which is if your breasts were to sag but the implant stays in place under the muscle causing ridge or slight double boob effect.
Overal I think the best way to decide is research view pictures of people with different placement types … Bare in mind your shape and stats etc this will help you decide what sort of look you would like.
The big thing is by all means get ideas and research but don’t get your self to set on a placement until you’ve met your surgeon as they have seen many women and can help recommend the best placement for your body and for the look you want to achieve .
That’s perfect thanks
I had overs as I think they look better – personal opinion , plus faster healing time
Hey Hun I’m having overs tomorrow with mr. Marcelliono. He has offered me overs because I do a lot of exercise and I’m a personal trainer. Which works for me as I’m a single mum and the recovery time is quicker ? x
I had unders as wanted the more natural look and apparently that’s what you achieve xxx
Oh right ok just wasn’t too sure ? it’s just ive been told by two surgeons different things so that’s why am confused ?
Your surgeon normally tells you what to go for n I trusted mine 100% with his decision, u tell him what u want n he tells us what help give u xxx
As far as natural or fake look goes its TOTALLY different for everyone. I had 480cc uhp overs, which for some might look “fake”, but honestly mine look quite natural. So even though they are overs it doesn’t mean they will look fake by any means. x
That’s great thanks ? xx
I think with unders it takes longer to drop if you have a big implant which is ideal for me but not a lot of surgeons want to put them under muscle ,I want solid look for few years my husbands aunty had overs and hers looked like they have dropped were my aunty has had unders and hers still look firm
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