Op tomorrow!!! Started by: Sinead-x

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  • Sinead-x 2

    Op day tomorrow. Sooooooo excited but extremely nervous!

    300cc and 325cc- unders – still unsure which to choose.
    Just want to fast forward and have it all over with ?? xx

    Rhiannon 29

    Good luck honey 🙂 xx


    Ahh! Good luck! You’ll be fine ♡ I remember the night before my operation I was so nervous! A word of advice would be to choose the bigger implant. A lot of girls get boob greed a little while after their op and wish they’d gone a bit bigger! 25cc is about 1/6 of a cup so really not much difference! If you want anyone to talk to feel free to message me! It’s nerve wracking but it’ll be over before you know it ♡ I’m 11 days PO now. Time has flown! Xx

    dawn clark 32

    Ah good luck sinead its mine 4 wks tomorrow im so excited but it seems like forever away. Im back seeing my pc tomorrow as im still not sure on sizes and have a few questions my surgeon recommended same size as yours bit the my pc rang and said they dont do them sizes so offered me 295 or 325 but then when reading on here plenty girls have been getting that size implant so need to ask why she said that to me.. Very confused x

    Laura 7

    Best of luck and wishing you a quick and restful recovery! 🙂 xx

    Sinead-x 2

    Thank you girls 🙂
    Yeah I was thinking that Hayley, think old rather come away a little more booby than thinking I wish I had the bigger. I’m sure it probably wouldn’t be noticeable difference anyway 🙂
    I need to stop worrying and just keep thinking to myself it will all be worth it!!


    Good luck, I’ve got mine on Sunday I’m so excited! I’m having 300cc unders, let us know how u get on xx

    Sinead-x 2

    Eeeee exciting!! I will update u after tomorrow ??

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