Macom bra help, Op week today!! Started by: A

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  • A 24

    Hey everyone

    My Op is a week today, bricking it! But I’ve left it so late on ordering my macoms!

    I ordered two 2 days ago and paid for next day and I bought the 1007 best seller bra, I’m panicking I’ve bought the wrong ones?!

    Only reason is because I’ve opened them and looked, and they have a small baggy circle what looks to be where a boob is suppose to go on the front of each cup part of the sports bra…

    I so hope this makes sense and that someone can tell me whether or not I have the right one? Or what one I’m suppose to get??? Please!!


    mbowne 33

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    Yeah their the right ones Hun ! Their made that way so they are very flexible and stretchy for any size cup and can accommodate the swelling ☺️ Xx

    A 24

    @mbowne aww thank god thank you so much for replying!! Xxxx

    mbowne 33

    You’re welcome hun, hope everything goes well for you! Xxx

    Danielle 27

    I’m in 27th too babe! London? That’s the right bra I have the same ! I’ve added you xx

    A 24

    Omg really!!! Are you nervous?? I’m dreading it! Who are you having Hun?? Also, what are you taking with you I have no idea what to take I feel so un organised xxxx @daniellebownjohn

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