PICTURES PLZ 400-500 Any girls with same Height 5.9 weight 12,10 Started by: Marie

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  • Marie 3

    So I’m Gonna book tomorrow for next available date with Mr graynor ,any one had btween 400 and 500 that’s simular height as me and simular weight ,getting worried now cause really don’t no what size should go for don’t want be to small and don’t want be to big lol at the moment I’m wearing 36 b padded bras from asda that’s to big lol only got them as they give me some kinda boobs under my top the padding is excellent on these but want real boobs now ,I’m not Gonna go any bigger than 500 if any one has any pictures I could look at please add me xxxxx


    I’m not as tall as you but have slightly bigger implants than most. I’m 5ft 3 and 10 stone. 480cc ultra high profile overs. 2 weeks post op. I’ll add a pic for you to see the size 🙂 xx

    Marie 3

    Thanks hun ,is yours overs or unders xxx


    I took a couple more tonight which show the size quite well too. I’ll include them too for you. I had ultra high profile overs xx

    Marie 3

    They look great hun,how r u feeling now ,when did u start Feeling normal ,when did the pain ease off ,how long before you started to do daily routines xxx


    Day one was fine strangely enough! Days 2 to 6/7 was understandably quite sore, uncomfortable and painful. The painkillers helped and it’s so important to keep on top of them! After just over a week i was back to looking after my son as usual 🙂 I’m 2 weeks post op now and feel a slight ache if I’ve had a busy day, but other than that not too bad! Xx

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