stretch marks? Started by: lindsey

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  • lindsey 123

    if you already have a few minimal stretch marks on your boobs b4 surgery will they get worse after as in go bigger darker etc. has anyone had it done with a couple stretch marks and it ended up looking ok ??xxx

    Amy 265

    I had white/silver stretch marks pre op and they haven’t got any worse. I think they look better as the skin was empty and puckered now there’s fullness

    lindsey 123

    that’s good to know, I was hoping they would stretch out and fade as the skin stretch’s more if that makes sense xx

    Hannah1986 8

    So glad to see this post, I’m due for mine on the 20th Sept and this is the only thing that keeps playing on my mind! Thanks both! ?

    lindsey 123

    that’s not long off Hannah :). are you looking forward to it? also have you got stretch marks? could you keep me informed of how they looked after surgery so I have an idea how mine will look if that’s ok as im in the month after you. xxx

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