34 c looking at mentor 590cc Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Hi I am considering 590cc mentor implants with shivram Singh in Birmingham I now a 34c and looking online implants sizes given look so different he thinks I be e cup can any1 give more advice before I book?


    125cc is approx. 1 cup size increase
    so I think if your starting at a 34c with 590cc you’ll get about 4 to even 5 cup sizes increase.
    I think about an F, though if you have a little amount of breast tissue I’d say around an E 🙂
    Everybody is SO different, so trust your surgeon. Singh is known to do big boobies, and a few people I know have had him, I’d be prepared that you may end up a size bigger with him lol xx


    I think that is the other Singh that is known for the bigger boobies lol I wanna have a big size but not like two footballs lol x I not scheduled til 31st oct but it’s kinda worrying too big or not big enough already lol guess every1 feels the same x I am a hairdresser n hoping get bk in salon within 3 days too so hopes high I guess lmao x


    Hi I was a 34c and had 485cc, I’m now an E cup x

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