My son just jumped on me and ouch !! Started by: emma

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  • emma 28

    Me son just come into my room cause he can’t sleep and just jumped on me !!! Ouch poor boobies !! Had tears in my eyes ! Xx

    lindsey 123

    have you got anyone looking after you hun? if so are you managing with your son it looks like I will be looking after my kids on my own as my partner will be at work, how much pain are you in and is it do able to do things its really making me panic like hell lol. xx


    Can he not take some time off with you Hun my husband has I couldn’t of been without him these couple of days especially with my youngest and she’s 6 no way I could take her to school I can’t even press to soap dispenser down haha x

    lindsey 123

    your joking, my youngest is 8months. can you not do things because of the pain or because you might damage your implants or body if you do to much? if that’s the case I will have to put up with the pain. its very tricky trying to work this out as everyone is different I might just put him in childcare for the week. what things can you do the first week? this is the only thing that’s bothering me I am so looking forward to having it done but don’t know how I am going to manage looking after myself and children after it so its putting a bit of a downer on the whole situation 🙁 I am sure I will get something sorted though I haven’t told a lot of people im having it done u see lol. how u feel now kristy xxxx

    lindsey 123

    was that reply to me or emma lol sorry if I’ve just jumped in xx


    For you Lindsay you won’t be able to pick your son/daughter up for a couple of weeks I think I feel like I need to protect my boobs all the time the pain is bearable but you can’t move your arms as much as you would like to you defo need help with your youngest xx

    emma 28

    My oldest is 2 he’s 3 then month and my youngest is 7 months and yes my partner managed to get 5 days off work but that’s all x

    lindsey 123

    I think I have done all this at the wrong time I should of waited till they were older I just hope I will cope he’s such a mummy’s boy and wont settle with anyone else. I will see if my mum will come and stay with me for the week to help me out . xxx

    emma 28

    Yea good idea u wi deffinaty need the help xx

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