16 day PO x Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Hi girls, here is a 16 day PO photo, I had 360 overs from a 32b xxx

    lindsey 123

    16 days already its gone so fast. they look really good perfect size! I hope mine will look that good. how are you feeling? has the pain gone hun? hope everythings ok 🙂 xxx


    hi hun, im feeling fine, I didn’t get much pain to start with, I just had sickness from the medication.
    I have hyper sensitive skin on my right boob which hurts to touch, but this is common!
    how long do you have?xxx

    lindsey 123

    awww hopefully it will stop hurting soon bet your well chuffed with your results I would be! 🙂 I got a month to wait 21st oct I am soooo excited I thought it would drag but this month has gone super fast I have my pre op today not looking forward to taking my top of again as sad as I sounds lol I just go really shy and red terrible haha xxx


    @lynzzi25 I am really happy, I did a little collage of the step by step results, that’s the best way to tell if any dropping and fluffing. its hard to tell when u see them every day so im logging every week with photos to compare 🙂
    oooo how exciting let me know how it goes! what size are you having? profile? unders or overs?
    don’t be shy hun! everyone has to do it and remember the surgeon sees this every day so don’t worry xxxxx

    lindsey 123

    that’s a good idea! and I will let you know 🙂 I am having 400cc high profiles unders but one boob is bigger then the other so 350 375 in the other he’s going to try some in to see which fits. hopefully they will be even in the end lol. I’ve just got back from the pre op she took quite a few photos it wasn’t so bad as it was a women taking them. glad all that is done now all I have to do now is wait for op 🙂 xxxxx

    SummerF 15

    omg they look amazing thats exactly what I’m hoping for! What cup size are they?


    Hi @0101summerfox thank you! I had 360cc overs. currently wearing a 34E sports bra, I started as a 34b. im only 18 days post op so still loads of dropping to do as they are still sitting high 🙂 xxx

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