can you still have your op if you come on your period on the day? will you still have to wear those paper knickers? sorry tmi got a feeling this is going to happen to me :/ xxx
i have the exact same problem/worry!!! i’ve read on here before some surgeons don’t like it some it’s okay to wear a tampon an some prefer you wear a towel then others don’t like to operate at all. really hope that’s not the case! don’t wanna get tabs to delay it either just incase they affect the op either absolute nightmare ha! fingers crossed were both okay! xxx
omg really. so would we lose the 500pound deposit if they wouldn’t operate it wouldn’t be our fault if we came on how could we have stopped it happening we couldn’t and it shouldn’t affect the operation it would just be embarrassing to wear paper knickers with a big pad on lol
do you now what surgeon wont do it? xxx
No it’s fine girls I come on on the morning of my op they just said can keep own knickers on u dee paper o da of the are 100% cotton in not you will just have to put a pad into the paper knickers but it’s fine not as bad as you think x
Just abir of advice girls I wouldn’t use tampons so hard to use as limited movement to chest and arms! I had an easy recover up and out shopping day after but I could not do that xx
mines the 24th now ahh getting close i just wanna fast forward this week already ha! you had op times yet lindsey? and jo were getting closer haha! xxx