Scars Started by: mbowne

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  • mbowne 33

    Hey girls, just wanted to let you all know that I’ve been using Dermatix Scar Gel now for about 5 days (sometimes twice a day some days only once) and I’ve already noticed a huge improvement on the redness of them! I’m about 8 weeks post op now, maybe 9 weeks but these scars have improved so much so quickly! Just thought I’d share ☺️ Xx


    thank you for that i will have to get some im only 3 weeks and 3 days post op and still have some scabbing there but once there all off ill get some mine are not too red there more pink or white lines but still ill need this πŸ˜€ xx

    mbowne 33

    I’ve seen a huge improvement made me love them even more ?? how’s your recovery going hun? Xx


    its going well really well i been told im the fastest healer she has ever seen so far so thats gotta be a bonus right πŸ˜€ so yeh im amazed with what they are like now that all the horrible band and dressings and stuff have gone πŸ˜€ how are yours going now i saw you mentioned you got an infection cant imagine how much that would of hurt or been uncomfortable x

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