Mya experience so far 350cc unders Started by: Sarah

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  • Sarah 11

    Just thought I would give everyone my experience of mya so far. I am with the Liverpool clinic and have Lauren as my PC but been to Manchester clinic also. I have had a very positive experience and currently day 2 post op. I have always been able to have any questions answered and Lauren has got back in touch with me if ever i left her any messages. I was given my admission time about 5-6 days before my op. I arrived at Preston for 7.45 where I was taken to my room and did a pregnancy test, put my gown on and was given my stockings. The room was clean with an en suite and everyone in and out was very friendly, I met with the surgeon who decided to change from overs to unders which worried me a little due to recovery time but he reassured me recovery depends on patient. I also met with a doctor who listened to my heart and chest. They came to get me at 11am and I walked down to the theatre room, he put the needle in my hand but chatted to me the whole way through keeping me calm (I was nervous) they then put me under and I came around about 12/12.30 but felt really spaced out, they kept an eye on me for a while as I had low blood pressure and heart rate so kept me on a drip. They wheeled me back to my room and I had my pulse and blood pressure checked every 30 mins till it was back to normal, was given toast, juice and painkillers. I was discharged about 4pm but could only get picked up at 5pm so I waited in my room and watched Jeremy Kyle! Got home had some painkillers and slept. The pain so far has been mild, it is more of a heavy uncomfortable feeling in my chest, currently just having paracetomal and ibuprofen. I had 350cc high profile unders, I will put before and after pictures on my profile if anyone would like to look.

    Karen 3

    Hi Sarah, it’s good to read other people’s experiences it gives you an idea of what to expect xx did he say why he changed to unders? Who was your surgeon? I’ve got my op at Preston on Monday with dr mounir xx haven’t had my admission time yet , is there parking at the hospital ? Do you have to pay?

    Sarah 11

    He said I didn’t have enough breast tissue to have overs it was dr Traynor. I would have thought you would have had your admission time by now. Did you check your junk mail? Yes free parking at hospital and is really easy to find 🙂 staff are absolutely lovely and really put you at ease xx

    Samantha 6

    I got told today I would get admission time no sooner than 3 days before x

    Samantha 6

    Hi Sarah hope you don’t mind the add would love to see yr before and afters xx

    Sarah 11

    Hi accepted you 🙂 will put another up in a few days x

    Rachel 5

    Sounds like a very nice experience… Well considering it’s an operation!! Ha ha. Glad they made you feel so comfortable:-) is the pregnancy test normal?? No one has mentioned that to me (booked on 8th Nov) not that there is any chance! Ha ha … Just wondering. Happy healing xx

    Sarah 11

    Yes they pregnancy test everyone! Thank you I’ve been out shopping today and just feel like I’m walking hunched over but every day feels better and better! Good luck with your op X x

    Karen 3

    Got my admission time today 12 noon so nervous and excited now xx

    Sarah 11

    Very exciting! Good luck! If you have Facebook I would suggest joining the group it is really helpful xx

    Samantha 6

    Hi what is the face book group called and is it private? Xx

    Stacey 4

    Hi Sarah, hope you don’t mind the add. I have mine in 7 weeks and would love to follow your journey so I know what to expect xx

    Sarah 11

    Samantha search BA Beautiful Girls. If you can’t find it then message me and I’ll give you my Facebook name and I’ll add you x


    Hi Sarah, hope you don’t mind me adding you, I wanted to ask you a few questions as I have the same stats as you. I’m having my strapping off tomorrow, just wondered if it was painful for you? I’m really worried about getting it off as it’s stuck so tight to my skin! How did they feel once it was off, were they painful? Thanks! X

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